New NAVY auto-targeting feature causing motion sickness

@Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT

Guys, this is real problem, i’m overcome through myself to finish the fight.
New auto-target camera is constantly wobbling and shaking without a reason, causing very seriuos motion sickness and making arcade naval battles almost unplayable.
Fix it please ASAP. Thanks🙏


OH. Oh boy. You’re right, that’s pretty darn horrible.

yes, there is camera shake when in 3rd person camera while firing even when you have camera shake settings set to 0 !!!

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Its pretty realistic though. Some battleships like the IJN Fuso suffered terribly at the recoil of their guns. That being said, Warthunder tends to be focused on realism rather than fun gameplay.

But this is clearly a bug, its either the new auto aim feature shaking the camera because its adjusting the aim rapidly, or its simply not taking in consideration your settings.

Oh, yeah I didn’t check really. Hope naval gets more attention.

I’ve been having the same issue. How did this get past QA?

While I don’t play AB often, I do play customs to test news items/ mechanics but yeah that shit is horrible, especially in AA duties against jets.

Might as well accept defeat over an over an over an over an over by CUMMASTER69420’s F-15E & their AGM-130 spam (I’m surprised that name is still a thing heh uuugh. Inappropriate name: fine, joke about BR placement: real shit) as I couldn’t down them with the horrible wobbling which I’m soooooooooooooo happy isn’t in RB but that’s just terrible in AB settings even against WWII aircraft it was horrible.

I make jokes about naval players suffering, but the update actually made that a feature LMAO. In all seriousness though I deal with motion sickness too, and it sucks hopefully this gets fixed

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