New nation - India! (with Pakistan subtree)

i think it would be more diplomatic to add india and pakistan as sub trees. To china and russia. as they are the closest allies. I mean britain could also recieve india but i think it would serve a good sub tree to russia. the only problem are the western stuff of india, which a lot of people would protest about. I think these vehiicles which india has, which are western could be nice squadron or premiums. for pakistani western stuff i think they pretty much are similar to the taiwanese. the mirages of pakistan could be placed before a taiwanese mirage 2k pakistani f16s could be foldered behind the f16 mlu of the taiwanese.

USSR does not need a sub-tree by any stretch of the imagination nor even has the space for it.


well then if they try to add india it should be britain then, which was my second proposal. but i think if britain recieve a “commonwealth” line it shoudl only include rather special stuff. instead of another rafale britain should have the tejas etc.

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Much the same for Britain: they already have five lines while also missing a very large amount of their own stuff, almost huge I’d say


NO, hell NO!!
You have no planes and no tanks. Everything is copy-paste apart from like 2 planes (1 for each nation) + their subsequent small mod variants. Same for tanks. Even more, you have no early tech tree tanks or planes at ALL.

Not separately and not in the same tree, unless they’re subtrees of Britain or so.
In fact I’d put vehicles with british origin in the british tree with indian/pakistani flag, ones with french origin in the french tree with indian/pakistani flag, the ones with russian origins in the russian tree with indian/pakistani flag and the chinese ones in chinese tree with indian/pakistani flag.
It would be better for the game pop too, since indians and pakistanis that are so nationalistic that want to play their respective vehicles so much, will grind these brit, french, soviet, chinese trees to get to their flag vehicles…
Not another copy-paste nation tree of nothing.


IS this meant to be a suggestion or a discussion?

Yawning rn




This isn’t even all the unique ground vehicles but hey, I guess it’s a “copy paste nation tree of nothing”


Nothing null and void about the issue of spamming the game with more copy paste. Get the existing trees sorted first ,still full of gaps and copy paste

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Refer to my comment above yours

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The ones i already liked 😆

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this troll again with his modifications of vehicles from other nations claiming the vehicles are OH SO ORIGINAL

Tell me how they are copy paste then?

Copy paste implies they are identical to the vehicle they are based on. Explain to me how a modification so significant as to change the performance of a vehicle completely is copy paste with that in mind?

And I don’t see other nations claiming ownership over Indian modifications, so that’s curious too…

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I can count few T-72 chasis, one BMP and whatever those wheeled ones are they’re based on something or the other. So please stop annoying me with your bs.

So let me ask you this:

“Is a Sherman Firefly C&P?”

Yes. All M4s should’ve been in Ameircan tree only.

My god i told you @StormRyder13 they exist people like this


firefly was used by the British and modified by the British
It be like saying America can’t have any Harriers


Sorry not sorry, but when literally everyone here disagrees with that notion then perhaps you’re the outlier instead of me….


All aircraft that use Rolls Royce engines must exclusively go to Britain!

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All tanks that use the L7 gun must go exclusively to Britain!