New nation - India! (with Pakistan subtree)

ah my bad then, lets see how it goes

My bad,… it is seems you were right about that i formation,… but that doesn’t imply any military cooperation.

I mean both have equipments from similar nations, so maybe we can consider Afghanistan
Also there isn’t much to add from Afghanistan

arguably yes lol
the TT from Pickpikker showed nearly all the possible vehicles

Huh,… not in Airforce departments that’s for sure

Even in ground force they have nothing in common,…

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Who’s gonna tell him?

India also isn’t a British sub-tree, unlike what you claim


They do have some similar equipments such as Mi24, Mi17, HAL Cheetak(Made by India), BMP-1/2, T-55

Let him be, cute uncultured people are fun sometimes

(US aircraft in chinese techtree mostly are from Taiwan, or from the ancient governement which established Taiwan at the end of Tchang Kai-chzk and Mao conflict)


Absolutely none of these ‘nations’ deserve their own tree
its just copy pastes that could be used to pad out their original nation’s trees
Any “South Asian” designs can be put in them as premiums
It’ll all be broken up between the Brits, RU, and China.
As is right


I agree sir I want Arjun with penetration cum blast sir

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Bruh Pakistan can definitely and will go to china if it comes see F-16s with turkish TAI mid-life upgrades, mirage 3+5 ROSE(retrofit of strike elements ) variant with H-2/H-4 stand of weapons ( same characteristics as kh-29T missiles) and guided mk-84 bombs , jf-17s 1/2/3/B variants Which are 60% Pakistani made components (PAC) and 40% Chinese made components (CAC), j-10CE is a indigenous Chinese aircraft , they are also gonna get TAI TFX and J-31 fighters as for future proofing , Pakistani ground is also al-khalid 1 (mbt-2000 Pakistani made TOT+upgrades ) al-haiders (vt-4 TOT with Pakistani gids components ) , viper IFVs hamza IFVs Pakistani indigenous design , al-zarrar ( heavily upgraded t-69-2G

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Admittedly this post doesn’t show off the better side of Indian equipment, but I assure you that it does exist in a fair amount, especially for ground and helicopters.

Even aircrafts

I’m well aware
Vast majority is Rus or NATO shit
With only a few truly indigenous designs

Still doesn’t deserve a tree
Neither did Sweden


Yes, but to a lesser extent.
They had a few unique and modified airframes, but it isn’t where their shine lies.

I strongly disagree with that, but I guess that’s just different standards then, as I find Sweden to be a good addition.

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TEJAS ? ^^"
MiG-21 Bison? (Basically the only real MiG-21 able to face off early 4th++ gen aircrafts)

One of few aviation things, it’s not as much as their strange light tanks and MBT modifications

Sweden did deserved it,… as they’re manufacturing most of the designs they used

Same thing that India or South Korea is doing right now, and something that Japan re started to do, in late 1980’s

Sweden being added dropped the quality of gameplay precipitously
Just as 16v16 top tier
Removing historical battles
Adding OP premiums such as the 2S38 and Ka-50

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