New nation - India! (with Pakistan subtree)

idk maybe…
attract a handful of players from the market of over 1.5 billion?


So like Chinese tree but even worse

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You gotta do some catching up. They have a bit of history lol


lmao if anything



not exactly, itll be more versatile

Taiwan and China already in game.

They could just add the Indian vehicles to Britain lol. Like they have been doing since Indian tanks added. Only original designs at top tier or high tier where it can be premium.

Yeah I never liked that. Should not have American aircraft in their enemies tech tree

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thats… not exactly comparable, china and taiwan are one people… india and pakistan are not


yeah but idk if youve seen but people really hate the commonwealth, so i doubt its gonna stay for long

Do they have their own wiki page for conflicts?

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yes, my email is [email protected]
and my password is 11thseptember2001

I understand this. Maybe a better option would be to add an international tech tree with original designs from a variety of nations filling it’s brs. However as much as it is disliked Commonwealth works pretty well to give vehicles without tt a place in war thunder

i think the international TT would be even worse as it would basically have the best of all worlds, and thus actually evolve warthunder into a you versus you game

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oh thankyou, heres my bank account details:



Then I guess Commonwealth is the best option. As cool as all these aircraft and tanks are, of they got their own country tech trees they would lack a foundation of lower rank vehicles that isn’t copy paste. Copy paste actually hurts the game as going against the same tank you are in is almost never fun. Also, it would discourage ppl from playing other tech trees as they would have to grind out the same vehicles again, which would go both ways.

fair point, but it is restricted to the commonwealth. other nations will still be left out.

i mean i can see your POV but personally i dont exactly mind

this should (hopefully be fixed with gaijin adding the feature we wanted in the 2023 roadmap for lesser RP costs if you already have the Top Tier for another nation researched).
this would simply open up new avenues for gaijins monetary benefit and peoples wants

Pakistan could fit into Chinese tech tree nicely now as the j11 probably outclasses the f-7 you were talking about. As for the mirage and f16, would be fine as event vehicles in their respective countries. It wouldn’t be fair to be able to grind 1 tree to get top tier from like 3 other nations in game. Making the grind long if you want all those vehicles is how gaijin gets people to buy premium time and vehicles. I’m not totally opposed to an Indian tech tree but I feel it would not add much truly new stuff to the game.

oh definitely, the F-7 is just a better J-7E in every regard (plus HMD)

thing is…
F-7 is not top tier material
F-16’s in pakistani service may technically be Top Tier but its already in italy, japan, china, US etc so its already common.
Mirages are also not top tier (they are mirage III and V’s)