New mirage f1

this topic has been talked about a couple years ago, and i would like to see this going somewhere.
the mirage f1’s we have in game a basically identical and it would be really nice is we would get to see a newer addition.
i’ve put the link to a previous post here if you’d want to know more about the f1 in particular.

i dont expect to see this in game any time soon (or ever for that matter), it would however in my opinion be a really nice addition the the french tech tree.

thank you for reading this post :)


Besides the EM VI there’s a few more F1s that could realistically be added to the French tree and offer something new.
The ones I have in mind are the EQ-5 and EQ-6. Both are Iraqi mirages, with the first one being the first F1 model to be equipped with a targeting pod and guided air to ground munitions. The EQ-5 has interestingly also been equipped with Russian air to ground missiles.
The EQ-6 is a further development that integrated the CLDP pod of the Mirage 2000D. The EQ-6 doesn’t carry the russian missile, but can take AS-30L and LGBs (just like the EQ-5) but with the added benefit of having a high resolution thermal imager to play with.


Being the latest variant of the Mirage F1, it would be perfect after the F1CT in the tree, as the prototype MF2000.
However, it can also be a Rank 8 premium or as a squadron vehicle