New Locations: Mysterious Valley and Bering Sea!

Gaijin, are you going to include other metropolis (Xi’an, Chengdu, Kunming and perhaps Changsha) aswell according to rough geographical locations of these cities in the area or you will just forget them like you done to Shenzhen in the HK map or you are going to make a stereotypic bash map that has nothing to do with real life like the Vietnam ground battle one hm?

Oh nice, the air map actually looks really good

Video game scaling exists for a reason.

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This map is not an exact replica of any particular place on Earth. It’s inspired by places (as mentioned in text), but it doesn’t try to recreate any particular city/location one to one.


would be fun for SB, Redfor on russias end, and Blufor in alaska

So a paddlesteamer from 1911 was found in the files recently, Will that likely be found on the Bering Sea map? (Side wheel steamer NV Gogol).

Air Sim Map?


Surely it’s a decent scenography, but when are you going to provide aerial maps with some context or a serius narrative background featuring unique interactive strategic objectives according to the historical or fictional theater of war you aim to immerse us in? Are you going to cover it again with that uninspired repetition of the trench template, the base template in an arbitrary location, and the same linear convoy? Doesn’t immersion matter more in this game, or what?
