People want it until it affects their nation/tanks
would you be complaining if this was added to a Russian tank?
I would be complaining if they added it to ANY tank.
A) It’s unrealistic, comically so.
B) It adds nothing to good gameplay. It makes it easier to accidentally cripple a tank. Making the game require LESS skill is not really a solid move at BR’s that are already too full of ways to get killed while being able to do nothing about it.
C) If it is added it needs to be added to everyone all at once.
D) Russian tanks are already so artificially buffed in this game that it would be stupid to artificially nerf them.
It already has, though. Abrams and Leopards have received the power electronics and hydraulic pumps. What people are complaining about is the unfair introduction of these features and their historically inaccurate implementation.
There is a rather large bug report regarding the Abrams’ hydraulic pump location that still hasn’t been fixed, and now they are adding baskets to the horizontal drive. The Abrams has it even worse, as a literal piece of metal is now part of the vertical.
At this point, we have no idea if Russian tanks will receive these updates, even though the power and driver controls are already made but have never been implemented.
Just because Gaijin implemented it this way doesn’t mean it’s the players fault for wanting this. It’s Gaijin’s fault for the poor, non-historic, and biased implementation.
Hell, there was almost no uproar over the FCS, power system, or even driver controls on the 2A6 FIN and 2A6 NL. The vast majority of complaints were about the unrealistic horizontal drives.
L take
I agree with A-C but D? how are they artificially buffed? the T90m got it’s armor nerfed, all spall lining got nerfed (so I won’t count that), Every MBT besides 2 (BVM and T80U) have horrible reverse speeds, The T72-T90s have a worse reload than the T80s even though they have an identical autoloading system Model, Most lower plate shots or center shots on the side of the turret or base of the tank kill it in one shot besides the T90m because spall liner and the autoloader/Ammo sits lower to the ground, and every MBT if you shoot anywhere remotely close to the barrel you are taking out the breach and 1 of the 3 crew members?
IRL the tanks are piles of junk.
The fact that you can pen the hull and NOT cook off the ammunition, how effective their sketchy ERA is, and the accuracy of their main gun are all examples of the tank being better in game than IRL
The new russian arty piece coming has a turret basket that affects the horizontal drive, just no one is complaining about that, The 2S3M or whatever the light tank is, has a power system and a driver system (as far as I am aware)
Because the entire point was to fill out light tanks & empty tanks. Thats why people dont complain, they wont SOMETHING to happen when you shoot a massive light tank. The diffrence is those are historic and not made up like the abrams & leos turret basket being part of the traverse and CREATING spall. (something which the autoloader on russian tanks dont really do)
Well has anyone done their research, confirmed or denied any documents on the accuracy of those modules in these Russian vehicles, or tried to have their stats more accurately changed? Give reports on those vehicles if you want transparency, people that play the Abrams and leopards are currently doing that here and on the dev forum.
So you seen a video and are basing your opinion off that, I have seen videos of people talking how bad the abrams armor is irl but I don’t base my feelings and opinions off that?, and would you honestly want 1 nation out of the however many we have now to just be total dogshit and unfun to play for the sake of “realisim” Obviously Gaijin isn’t going to make every tank have 80m or whatever you think it might have, Secondly accuracy? No tank suffers from accuracy dispersion, it’s a point and click adventure at top tier. it’s not RNG like world of tanks or something. Every nation benefits from this.
Your responding to a person that worked on the vehicles, not a person that just watches videoe and makes assumptions.
Yeah, let’s ignore the multiple IFVs and larger ACs that have this stat. Gaijin claims they don’t change it, but they do, as shown by the recent Begel buff or by the Puma having worse accuracy than a BMP-2M. It’s very much something they use to “balance” tanks and IFVs. They just don’t apply it to +100mm guns.
I will test this claim later today in the live servers, Every tank I have ever played for multiple nations, I have not once said to myself “my shot didn’t go to the center of my screen”
Uh no.
Basing it off of the Historical Record and 20 years as a Tank Officer in the USMC.
well firstly. Thank you for your service. secondly what is your kowledge on the subject? are you basing this off shooting the tank from an abrams point of view? did you get out, walk up to a un manned T80 (one that is in game) and start measuring it’s armor? I am not insulting you or trying to sound like I am. I am just curious.
No. Like I said, I’m basing it off of the HIstorical Record (where these tanks perform extremely poorly), my four years working in Tank Development (where I learned about how tank survivability actually works) and the engagement ranges standard for the vehicles (which are less then NATO tanks by approximately 20%)
There is a lot of other things that go into this. Russia’s established track record of over stating their vehicles’ capabilities. Their lack of quality control in manufacturing. The fact that known things like engines and sights are decades behind (all modern tank sights are purchased from abroad). Etc.
I see
That’s my main point. Every top tier “enjoyer” is a dogshart player that only complains about a nation they enjoy and laughs at the nerfs that don’t affect his favorite thing they smack off to.
95% of the community is 'tarded in that sorta way so everything is just stuck in the same loop of being in a pile of crap and moving from the center to the edge but never out of it.
That and mix in some corporate talk and a lot of greed from the devs and boom, recipe for trash.
Same reason very few complained about the turret basket on the HSTV-L.
How? Most tanks except the leo2s are already easy to disable bar the stupid gaijin moment which happens to everyone(some more then others however) these more detailed changes will ensure even the most stupid nonsensical hits with no aim whatsoever are guaranteed to disable something.
Most people’s issue where with empty light tanks which isn’t anywhere near as much an issue as it was before due to apdsfs shard changes that literally shotguns them now