Here’s the image of the Stridsvagn 121’s Camo netting
I don’t really have much to say, but there are a bunch of vehicles in every tech tree that deserve these camo net additions to them (where it’s historical) here’s a few more examples
Strv 121
Strv 122(‘s)
And there are some more out there, just didn’t know where to really put this!
-P.S. if you thought I was “crazy” about other tech tree’s here’s a AMX-10RC & LecLerc with a camo net
An edit some time later:
I was going through some Strv 103 stuff and found a “squad” if you would, of what look to the 103 A variants with Camo nets, should we also see the 103 with a regular camo net? Only thing is the light and NVD spotlight coweling looks like the square boxy ones of the 103-0, so a 103 A “pre production” if you would.
More specifically, I believe the “nets” on the leopards are actually SAAB Barracuda MCS, which according to the manufacturer reduces the tanks IR and radar signature by a substantial amount. I’d love to see this stuff in-game.
Kind of reminds me of the “Can make a tanks thermal signature into a car” that the US is working on.
Yeah and seeing as the 2a7 is essentially a German made Swedish upgrade pack on a leopard 2a6, it makes sense for them to use it as well except looking at the barrel some of them look like they use the 44 calibers long barrel, but it might just be the photo angle
Yeah, I think seeing some other modifications in game would be nice. Kind of like those Leo. 2 with slat armor. Also, I don’t really know if Sweden operated armored fighting vehicles in Afghan or Mali regions, but I know they operated CV9040 with nets in Mali.
This might be one 👇🏼
Yeah pretty sure Barracuda MCS is basicly standard issue in Sweden at this point, might be wrong tho.
All the ones sent to Ukraine have the stuff.
Yeah, I think it is, but the one CV9040 that was captured didn’t have it I don’t think.
Sadly, a big technology loss for Sweden. I know someone is going to be blamed pretty badly
Are these also Barracuda? its a Type 93 and Type 16.
I’m going to go ahead and assume no, but it’s definitely possible, and no matter what, a camo net will decrease thermal signature, even if it’s not completely hidden.
I’d bet yes for the Type 16 (or atleast an indigenous version maybe?) not too sure for the type 93, tho i think its very possible for every part but the roof. the roof just looks like regular netting
Hmm interesting thanks for the responses also fully support the op.
Imo a good way to tell is “does the camo look like a padding or a netting?”
Barracuda is a padding, since it needs the extra thickness to incorporate the required materials, and the entire vehicle skin needs to be covered for proper effectiveness.
Camo netting like on the roof is a lot thinner and you can see the metal underneath it.
I haven’t really looked at the stats for the barracuda MCS, but how thick is the padding? Like 2-5 mm? If that’s classified still sorry for asking.
Also, just wanted to make a note on the Americans testing an Abram’s with the Barracuda MCS, maybe a good premium like the Pz.Btl. 123?
Image won’t upload, sorry. But I saw a challenger with it too. (Also won’t upload)
Also, note someone tried to get this added in November 12, 2022 by the name of RoycotSS. Idk if they are still on the forums, but it’s on the older forum, I’ll link it here.