New engine sound for AMX-13 tanks

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Hello fellow tankers!

amx13 75 2c 831824

I would like to suggest a new engine sound for the AMX-13 series.

The AMX-13 family is represented in game by now 9 different variants in two different nations. Moreover, its currents engine sounds ingame are the chaffee’s engine sounds which doen’t reflect at all the true sound of the tank.

Specs :

Engine : SOFAM 8 Gxb

  • Gasoline flat-eight
  • Watercooled
  • 270HP at 3200rpm
Pictures of the engine


The AMX-13 currently in War Thunder :

Some videos of the AMX-13 IRL :

Some footages of the AMX-13 family (Archives)

Source :

[EDIT] 28/10/24 : replaced the videos of FARG Motorpool’s AMX-13 by other videos because the engine wasn’t the same as the original tank.
[EDIT] 28/02/25 : removed a video


+1 realistic engine souds are always good change

i’m more intrested by gaijin giving us the amx13 105. German has the df105 for a while now but we still don’t have our own vehicle.


i am always down for better sounds

You could try to contact the sound dev. I heard they are a pretty chill person, and works with players when they bring some suggestion, like the Leclerc engine sound for exemple

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Hell yeah I play pretty much all the AMX13s quite a lot, this will add some very nice spice for them.

Except the AMX13HOT which is basically garbage


I think ELC AMX has similar engine designation (also SOFAM), but its a bit less powerful