New ARCADE aiming

No, but it’s speed is still more higher than RB.

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It was awesome when arcade tanks came out, and you could squeeze in a second drop of bombs if you were on to it…

Maybe that should be brought back…

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Right, in naval AB, ACE crew maybe 30s per round to reloading bomb, but anyway, that’s one of the fun of AB.

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sure - torp speed is higher in AB as in RB - this and the missing torp reload makes pt boats much less of use in RB. attacking larger ships is not easier in RB then - their ai guns shoot at the small boats so sneak approach is very difficult…

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The opposite, I’d say, it greatly steepens the curve, at first.

Knowing exactly the pixel on each ship to ammo-rack it comes with experience. You won’t get a second shot if you’re a newb up against people who specialize in this mode. We already see this in the mobile game now, which has become extraordinarily newb-unfriendly with a similar aiming model.

One has to assume this in part giving those players a “mode” so they come over from mobile, as well. Really seems to be scraping the barrel if they feel they need that small group of players.

(You’ll also see more of this )


Yes, that’s K/D is insane, even skillful player’s K/D rate is around 10 or less than it.

It’s not higher across the board

Torpedo speed multiplier in AB:
Up to 4 km the multiplier is 3;
From 4 to 8 km multiplier drops linearly from 3 to 1;
Over 8 km the multiplier is 1.

This was introduced in Update “Red Skies”.

sure - torp speed is higher in AB as in RB - this and the missing torp reload makes pt boats much less of use in RB. attacking larger ships is not easier in RB then - their ai guns shoot at the small boats so sneak approach is very difficult…

Generally there’s a lot of variety in ship performance between the game modes. E.g. I would never take Shimakaze into RB 7.0, but I constantly take it into AB 7.0, cause she’s great out there. On the other hand, fragile and mobile bluewater vessels with good guns (e.g. French cruisers) tend to perform much better in RB than they do in AB.

Either way - isn’t that discussion going a fair bit off topic? 😅

To get it a little bit back-on-track - the core point is that simply telling people who dislike the change to migrate over from AB into RB is very much misguided, if not to say that it’s actively discouraging people from playing the game all together.


FYI: It’s under the guns… pretty much always. It’s not that hard to remember. 😅 And the spread most of the guns have makes it borderline impossible to pixel-hunt (even if this update does lower the spread for most of the naval guns we have in the game).

Playing tournaments, first-good-salvo ammo-rack kills were VERY common. And that was in RB, with aiming. Those same players will delete newbs on sight in AB, in a way they can’t today; ranges are too short in the game on most maps for dispersion to matter much. That’s why I suspect this is a mode that will struggle now under the new rules, or if not, be thinned out in terms of player base dramatically at higher ranks.

The funny thing is that with bow-tanking removed as a strat, and everything being more accurate and deadly, just as in those tournaments you’re going to see AB become even more a “hide in the islands and snipe from behind them” fight, because it’s pretty much the only damage mitigation you have left. In the long run, there’s a point of diminishing returns here with the “make it dumber” strategy: the farther and farther they get from anything recognizably naval. At some point naval fans will want to play an actual naval game where ships behave as ships did.

Another thing you’ll likely see is more ships running with completely empty racks in some cases, especially on the poorer secondaries, to reduce explosion risks. If you can kill with main guns and first salvo matters most, absolutely no point to keeping anything explosive on board that can’t help you with that.


Right, in tournaments, player prefer to carry less torpedo, less secondary ammo and appropriate main cannon ammo to avoid mag or shell room explosion. It is the same in top tier battleship match in RB. But except the first hit kill, the movement skill is also important, that is the point what I say above all, appropriate movement skill can disturb enemy’s aiming, especially when u enemy highly depends on FCS. The same reason, it can also disturb new AB aiming mechanism, but if one player always low BR match like 4.3-5.0, in this BR most of his enemies are newbs, he will not meet too many skillful players who have good movement skills.

Naval Arcade is basically my main mode in War Thunder at this point.

I’m very opposed to this change. I don’t think simplifying the mode any further makes it better, as many have pointed out this will only make ships that are already too strong in the meta even stronger while making evasion in nearly any ship impossible.

Naval as a whole, but particularly naval arcade, needs more strategy and depth, not less.

EDIT: The fact that this enormous change was made without consulting players and without any kind of testing or survey just goes to show how little Gaijin thinks of their own playerbase. Naval players might as well not exist to them, so why bother asking them what they think?


Despite the similarities, all Arcade modes prepare you for Realistic. But with this change, you are NOT prepared in any way to play Realistic. Movement from Arcade to Realistic STOPS except for those of us who will leave with this new Aiming disaster - which will be most of us. Additionally, when people complain about “pay to win”, whoever can afford the best graphics card and the largest 50+" monitor will be Arcade Gods with this new change because it will become simply a matter of pixels and who can see and put their curser on the spot.


After more than 2 years in the game I finally tried Naval with the last update and it has become my “go-to” game-mode. But this was after months of test sailing ship after ship to learn the aiming mode, both Arcade & Realistic. And with the last changes, shortening the que times and increasing SL for bots, I have seen the lobbies grow almost double from when I started less than 3 months ago. I have yet to see a wait time of over 2:00 and what used to be 4-6 players per match it is now 12-16 per match and growing daily. That and migration from WoWS is very evident. Gaijin needs to give these changes time to take effect.


In all modes, Arcade “prepares” you for Realistic. There is a reason people’s first match in ground is Arcade, in order to learn the basics. And then after a few missions, you are allowed to choose Realistic. This will no longer be true in Naval. Arcade will NOT prepare you for Realistic. I will cease playing Arcade and either play Realistic or quit playing Naval altogether. (Question: How does this system work in Coastal?)


Should work the same way, just point and click. I don’t have much coastal experience but it almost sounds worse for coastals as your survivability depends on being able to dodge, especially so if you are bringing one to a bluewater match.

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I think the fact that it will be much harder to dodge after this change is being missed by a lot of people. The “everyone gets 2 second targeting” was also a nerf for people who actually maneuvered their ships. That was the only way to be competitive in some cruisers and destroyers against larger ships. I see some of the same people that complain about it being “impossible” to fight a battleship with a cruiser liking this proposed change. It’s counterintuitive.


In fast boats at distance it might actually be slightly easier to dodge this way, in some cases.

Whereas before you had no way of knowing whether you were turning into the lead indication, now when you see the rounds fired by an appointment, you know exactly where they’ll land… Right where your predicted location said you were going to be at the moment they were fired. The rounds can’t change their trajectory in flight… given a few seconds of dodge time and speed to turn and dodge (so, PT-boat at 5 km vs DD main guns) against a single opponent you could still be pretty hard to hit.

Not defending the change, just thinking being able to plant your rounds on a target with total certainty works both ways.


I can see your point. I was thinking of the old system, when ships had different times to acquire a fire control solution. If I knew a ship took 10 seconds to get a targeting solution, it was much easier to throw off my opponents aim. Conversely, when I’m sailing the HMS Tiger with a VERY quick time to acquire targets, it was very hard for my opponent to dodge, so I could hit PT boats easily.

I just fear this dumbing down isn’t going to do anyone any favors except for brand new players who will quickly tire of the boring and dumbed down gameplay.


All of which are arguments to roll these updates back, not continue to dumb the system down and ruin any skill or fun in the game mode.


Please show me where I have ever advocated for these changes. I’ve made it clear on many posts that I loathe them, and think they will ruin naval.

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