Netz being bullied at 12.3 and will be bullied at 13.0

The Netz, as we all know, doesn’t have any business being at 12.3! And with the this BR changes we are seeing. We can see some down right BS, with the Gripen and the Netz being at the same battle rating of 13.0.

This ‏implies that the Netz is can rival the Gripen.
Which it cannot.
Aim 9M 6x
HMD? Yes
Good Radar? Indeed!
A very good FM.

What does the Netz have?! Nothing that can rival that!
The Netz has:
60 CM (15 Drops if you bring Chaff, making notching radar missiles Impossible and forcing a defensive the entire game)
Python 3s 6x (with no IRCCM and basically Faster 9Ls)
No Radar missiles at all
Can the Radar Rival the Grippen? Heck no!
FM? Maybe

As we can see, The Netz can not Rival the Gripen Neither in air, nor in ground.
The Gripen gets:
Better Missiles
Better Radar
Better FM
Better Ground Munnition
10 Times more CM than the Netz.
And an HMD.

In short, making the Netz move up in BR more than the Gripen A can make playing the Netz a worse experience than it already is.
The Netz cannot counter any FOX 3 missiles and should not be able to get uptiered to top tier!
For that, I suggest moving it down to 12.3 after the decompression.



And not just the Netz, but also F-16 ADF/MLU, worse FM, x2 AIM-7F + x4 AIM-9L = a Gripen


Then there is the AJ in 12.7


All F16As (Not the France Belgium since it as 9Ms) should be 12.3 after decompression in my opinion

I think the top BR should be set to 14.0 instead, and F-16As be put to 12.7

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They’re gonna probably close this thread and tell ya to talk in the main one, but I totally agree. I brought this up in there and it’s just so wrong that it was at 12.3 to begin with. The Python 3 ≠ Aim-9M. It has practically no flare resistance, honestly the same turning circle (if not worse) as the 9L/9M, and only benefits from being a faster accelerating missile. Oh and it’s heavier and larger, so more weight and drag when you’re carrying them.


The problem is that top tier is essentially unchanged in this new BR post. Both netz (or vanilla f15 in that regard) and Jas39A is still just 0.7 br below the to tier, which I am pretty sure both of them would suffer.
I’d still say tho, that f15s are way better aircraft in this patch’s meta. It has some of the most amazing energy characteristics. Also grippen uses skyflash so I am not sure how is that comparable with the f15.

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MiG-29 should be the same…

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The problem with the Netz is that AGAIN Netz Isn’t even the same as F15A.
When I say I mean it since I played both.
The F15A has both 9Ms and Radar missiles (Even if it’s a skyflash, a Radar Missile is still a Radar missile in case of the gripen) while the Netz has just the Python 3s and an F16A flight model. Which I hate to break it to some idiots (To the people who think dogfighting is the whole point of toptier), but it ain’t gonna help you in the current missile meta of 11.3 and above.
IF Top Tier was a dogfighting Meta then yes! The Netz would be a beast. But that includes ALL the F16A and Gripens.

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Hate to break it to you, but it will. Dogfighting isn’t the meta, but it’s still common to see.

And isn’t that the exact reason why the Gripen was dominating so hard before the introduction of the FOX3’s? It had mid missiles, the worst radar missiles but FANTASTIC flight performance? The real difference between the F16’s was that the F16’s had better missiles, but the gripen had better flight performance and more flares. Yet the gripen was the top dog, even though there was a so-called “missile meta” back then?

Dogfighting ain’t gonna give you 10 kills per game hun, but it’s honest work and good enough to pick off one or two people reliably per game.

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I agree with your point, in that dog fighting isn’t the meta. However, I feel you miss the mark on some point.

Yes, the Gripen was dominant, but this wasn’t purely because of it’s flight performance. It was mainly because the meta prompted players to play in a certain way (IR slinging furballs), in which the Gripen became dominant, due to a lack of equal competition. While the F-16’s did have better radar missiles, they wouldn’t play around them as they were far outclassed by the R-27ER’s. Thus they would play around the 9M, just like Gripens and hug the deck.

Therefore the “missile meta” went like this, ‘If you don’t have R-27ER’s hug the deck and get into IRCCM range’ and the Gripen was simply better at that play style. The F-16’s were not bad, they just couldn’t use their one advantage over the Gripen.

This is the exact same situation now for the Netz, however unlike before were you could make up for your lack of radar missile capabilities by hugging the deck to close the gap. YOU CAN’T ANYMORE. A jet like the Netz doesn’t just prefer dogfighting over BVR, it relies on it. Furthermore the Netz even lacks many dogfighting capabilities that over top-tiers have i.e. IRCCM, HMS, number of countermeasures. It cannot excel at the one thing its supposed to be good at. It simply cannot compete in top-tier, you either eat a FOX-3 to the face or if lucky, start your dogfight defence.

If it was up to me FOX-1 and FOX-3 capable jets wouldn’t see each other, with exceptions to 3rd gen Fox-3 launchers like the f-4f ICE, Tornado F.3 etc…


Honestly the Netz is in the middle of a rock and a hard place. It’s better than the F-16A but worse than the ADF. I hope they decide to fix the flare resistance of the 9L and make it so that it’s not flareable against a fully afterburning target.

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You say that dogfighting can grab you kills.
What you don’t realize is that you can’t even GET CLOSE to them before eating a 120A into the face.
You can’t hug the deck since ofc you’ll either crush into a tree or be overwhelmed by the number of missiles.

And really! Forget dogfighting as you would eat a radar missile or an 9m from another enemy the second you go up to fight someone.

The Netz is a good dogfighter, that much can be said.
But it lacks everything those BVR planes are capable of.
The missiles are not that good when compared to a 9M and the flight model is useless when you can’t use it to its full length.
The lack of CM and HMD compared with the new patch giving stock planes new FOX 3 missiles on the get go makes the Netz a free target.

If moved down to 12.3 after the patch, it will be good! But not enough to dominate the battle field.
The best course of action would be to get the plane down instead of making it useless.
And lets be real here! Almost nobody plays the Israeli Tech tree as it is just a copy of the USA but kinda worse. I just play it since it is my nation. But other people don’t really play it.


git gud

How is that a skill issue? Some trees are 30 meter tall

dont fly into the trees then lmfao

Easier said than done.

Skill issue