Nerf Japan planes

People like you make forums very toxic because in some games the words “gg” are now banned as toxic words because in the past “gg” “good game” is now become insult for using “get good”.

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Japanese planes are lousy, they just have good turning and some good weapons, just don’t follow them in turns, don’t play their game and you will always beat them, they are rubbish

Welcome to warthunder, where absolutely everyone is toxic

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As a zero user I would say you have severe skill issue. You clearly dont know how to fight japanese planes. If you try to turn fight them you will most likely die but zeros and most japanese planes cannot keep up with other fighters in sustained dogfights. So if you manage to keep a decent amount of energy in a dogfight you will win against them easily.


As someone who has tried zeros, i can tell you that your enemies might have skill issues, but you as a Zero pilot need zero skills in order to whipe the floor with most of your enemies. SInce your plane can do unbelievable things.

I just had a match where I dived in F-82E on a Ki-84. with 1,5 km hight advantage. He turned upwards into me for a headon. Since he can turn his nose faster than me (even upwards) i evaded, dived past him, pulled up, looked backward… oh! hello! there he is, just 800m behind me and closing in a climb, and that after he had to go 90 degree upwards while I was diving. So I had to go back into dive, since my max speed is higher than his, I got away, but lost most of the hight advantage. So I gave up on the Ki-84 and diving on a Zero that was flying even lower. He did a 360 on a spot so that i had to chance to get my guns on him. I did a looping, dived again on him ( I still had a gigantic energy advantage). He turned upwards into a headon. I fired, he didnt even bother fiering into the headon. He just waited till I turn away. And turned the side into me, and killed me.

Maybe instead of speaking as a Zero pilot (which does not require any skill), you should firtst become expert on killing Zeros and then write a tutorial for us people with skill isssues.

Bro I’m not a japanese main.I only have a premium zero(A6M6c worst zero,it’s a good SL grinder though) but I have played over 750 matches with it. US is my main tree so I’m used to fighting against them.As I have mentioned before the best way to deal with zeros is with your speed and energy. Just dont turn instead you can try to climb as high as you can they wont be able to chase you that way.Also most zero pilots have a tendency to follow their targets no matter where they go so it’s easy to energy trap them.Often they stall trying to chase a climbing enemy. When they are out of energy and stalling that’s your chance to take them out.

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Turnfights a Zerodiessurprised Pikachu face


I just went and found the replay where the incident that you’re talking about occurred. You completely misrepresented the events that occurred in that battle. When were you going to mention that before you dove on the Ki-84, you went headon with an A6M5 Ko, proceeded to miss every single shot, pulled off about .6km away from the zero, and gave him a full profile shot at 0.35km where he just laid on the trigger and critically damaged your airframe and left wing control cables? You then went for a headon with the Ki-84 and neither you nor the Ki-84 managed to kill each other, but immediately after you passed the Ki-84 the zero that critted you before landed the killing shot that took off your right wingtip. You just vastly underestimated the energy state of the zero and shouldn’t have taken the headon that killed you in the first place and when you decided that you didn’t want the headon anymore you were already past the minimum abort range for it.


So you are saying that if the Zero pilot is doing stupid things one can shoot him down with ease? So my only chance is to hope that that Jap pilot does something stupid… Got it!

Then get better at the game and learn that turn fighting is what Japanese aircraft were designed and excel at. Soviet aircraft, US, German, British(most not the spits), etc were not turned fighters nor designed for that purpose. So this is your issue, not a game issue, and under-experienced pilots there incredibly potent. Especially when we start doing the Hineri komi maneuver.


No, I was pointing out that you left out an extremely significant part in that battle to make it seem like you did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have died. You should know by now that Japanese aircraft (especially zeros) have great stall characteristics so you need to make sure that they’re going to stall before they get guns on you, which you clearly did not. I’ve played tons of battles in both Japanese aircraft and their counterparts and it’s so incredibly easy to avoid zeros if you actually pay attention. Maybe you would better understand how to deal with zeros if you sat down and played through a couple of the different models to better appreciate what they can and cannot do.


I often find myself getting chased down to the ends of the earth by zeroes, and I literally cannot do anything to fight back against them if we’re at somewhat equal alt/energy. Can’t go vertical because the zero has extremely good low speed performance, can’t dive and force them to compress because it literally doesn’t compress at all like it should. Giving them a historical FM nerf so I can actually do something instead of wasting the entire match running away would be nice.

(High speed manoeuvrability of A6M series of fighters (Zeros) is too good - Documented Aircraft Reports - War Thunder - Official Forum thankfully this has been passed to devs tho)

How can they chase you when their max speed is like 2/3rd of any other fighter? Simply avoid to commit to a dogfight and run away as fast as you dive on them.

When playing the Zeroes it is extremely annoying against players that simply run away from you. since you have nothing you can do against it.


i agree.It’s really funny that people think zeroes can chase other planes


try flying these at rank 4 and come later.

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I have done so plenty already. Both with and Against Zeroes. The same argument can absolutely be said when facing YAK’s at low altitude, those planes are crazy close to the ground for instance. or against the Hellcats or XP-50 at high alt.

However playing to the opponents strength does not make the plane Overpowered.


what i’m saying is that japanase planes are not op, they’re rather the opposite. Either gun boats or monsters of the past that are no longer good because of the super prop spam.

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long term japan prop main here. I’ve sweated my brlood past the j2m2. Ki84s are a blast but everything else is just boogazooga. Ki83 bamboozles you with those 46m/s climb rate that mean nothing when a p51h can 180 on you and cut your plane in half with a single 50 cal. J5N1 is insufferable.


Yeah but you will cook your engine after 15 seconds of WEP and then its not even able to cool 100% throtle

i’ve never overheated my engines on the ki83 after using pitch to 93 percent and radiators to 40 percent. And that was like since the 4th time i flew it.