Need help with the P-51C-10

Struggling with the P-51C-10. Does anyone have any advice on how to use it? I try to climb to 7k feet with it and attack enemy fighters from above but I always die.


The P-51C is an AWESOME plane to fly and I’m sorry to hear you are having a hard time flying it. From what you said you sound like your flying it right so far. It’s best used at medium to high speeds.

Can you give any more info on how you die or what your struggling with so I can help better?

Also I’ll be on in a little if you’d like to hop into a match and get some hands on advice/training. Just add me if you want to. Username same as here :)

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I get overwhelmed by other fighters or get outturned or set on fire

Well when i was playing this plane. Firstly i really hated it cuz it lacks of guns, can’t outturn anyone. Took a brake from game and learnd some boo’n’zoom tactic from youtube. And yup, this plane is literally it. You should reach medium alt, and search for enemies 1.5 or 2 km below. Dive on them and if you missed and didn’t kill him just fly away. You have ± best max speed at br. And it depends on what enemy you face. For example Focke-wulfs are really bad at outturning but really good at max speed or Spitfires which have bad max speed(some also bad climb rate) but have no concurents in outturning.

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I also recommend you to watch Defyn flying academy. He will explain some thin but moments that happen regularly

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@roPbATbIu_KAJIOED described how to play it pretty well. Then only thing I will say is that the P-51 is not a low speed dogfighter like a spit or Zero. It’s a high speed one. Keep your speed 250mph and above when dogfighting and it will do fine. I’d also try side climbing and not entering the battle until all the enemies are at a lower alt then you.

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