I just got the A variant and it is absolutely trash. You go to slow with the bombs to get a base stock, 9b’s (really at this br???) no one will get killed by them. It’s radar can’t detect friendlys, F4s take all the bases and its engines are always so hot even when I don’t wep meaning I always get killed by R-60MKs or 9Ls even when I flare.
Some planes are just bad. Only thing this plane can do well is bombing and even that is taken away from it as you said. Just skip it.
You should be able to reach bases before any fighters since the f111 is the fastest plane in the game at low altitude afaik, and forget about the 9b, you have a ton of vulcan ammo so spray at long range for head ons and keep you speed up, play it like an f104 after you drop your bombs
I wanted to try to spaded it for sim because it looks like it could be a fun interdicted but I just have to good enough RP to make it worth it
It is without bombs but with bombs I can’t sweep the wings back which makes it hard to go faster that .80 with full load and 1.00 with half load.
hm i never tested it or anything but i find it hard to believe a fully loaded f4 would be faster than a half loaded f111 (which are equivalent in bomb load i think), if that’s the case you can take extra fuel and fly to the side for a while, and do a wide turn into the middle of the map and by that time new bases would have spawned and you would get to flank unsuspecting enemies from behind or catch them going rtb, i used to do that strategy in the su22
I just found out the joys of napalm lol, I can bring enough napalm to destroy two bases while having full wing sweep capability. Who even needs bombs lol
what loadout exactly? i am getting F-111 after A-10
Well for some reason 2 napalm is enough to destroy a base so with this load out your allowed full speed with 2 bases…
That is nuts, because now i am the fastest on the map.
thats like spaded top speed on the F-105 (loaded with napalm and AIM-9E), wow
Yes i’m excited hopefully this thing will print SL when i get it spaded
yeah, i hope it gets at least 9E though, 9B at 10.7 is diabolical
Sadly it doesn’t and i don’t think it will however without bombs and load fuel you can turn REALLY well 1 time to get guns on.
The only way to play varks is to absolutely sent it to a base to bomb and then throw a missile at a couple enemies on the way home. You can dogfight in the thing in emergencies but I strongly don’t recommend
I tryed F111 and the best you can do is flying as hight as you can, even with full load of boombs, not napalm it falls too slow. You fly slow and high bomb bases and that is all. Just hope that noone decises to clim fir you, because you wount outrun them. Also the worst abou it is, when you fill more than one slot on the wings with anything, the swing of wings isnt valible anymore.
So bombs, as much as possible and high as you can.
I tryed it in sim, but without multyfuctional trigger you cannot gess when to drop your bombs.
It a plane that takes a lot of skill or knowlige to play, and when played right, it can do a lot.
i’ve been doing good flying low with four napalm and full wing sweep. I’ve been goin mach 1.03ish without many modifications.
It can be, but the plane can take more than that. My taktic is when you wonna use the full potencial of this plane. But yea as I sad when you can swing your wings you can go incredibly fast and one base might be enought for one flinght.
the f-111 is actually really fast if you use the drop tanks