NCSIST Antelope SAM System

I found that the Antelope in dev server didn’t have FLIR and Radar which it should have.
Someone have witten a report for the FLIR and being acknowledged
But it still missing the radar

According to this exhibition board
it witten 雷達搜索距離: 10公里(Radar Search Range: 10km)

Also in the vedio 車載劍一飛彈系統│莒光園地│2020.05.28 0:50,

show that 雷達目獲距離 10公里(Radar SRC distance 10km), and 2:33 show antelope having a 敵我辨識系統(Identification, friend or foe, IFF system).

I belive Antelope having a 10km Search and Tracking Radar, with IFF, and can be retract

From a unofficial topic I found that the radar is a Pulse-Doppler Radar
and having ECCM

I have heard that the radar of Antelope is from the missile borne radar of the TC-2(天劍-2) ARH missile, which is the only radar that NCSIST produce and also can fit inside the small frame of antelope at that time

Would like to see more information of this radar

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