Naval problem:

A place to discuss problems of naval and suggestions on how to fix them

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i think a great thing to add it wont solve all problems but some i different modes like Shore bombardment for naval hitting armored bunkers etc
US heavy bombardment of Peleliu, Palau, 1944 | The Digital Collections ...
US heavy bombardment of Peleliu, Palau, 1944

Other modes could be like carrier defence where fleet of boats has to defend carriers from attacking forces such as planes and boats as players launch off the carrier and BB and CL and DD defend incoming boats planes like F4Fs or sommething defending the aircraft carriers from incoming players

The Coral Sea, 1942: a nation-saving battle - History Guild
Battle of Coral Sea 1942


Night Battleship Action Off Guadalcanal - Warfare History Network
Night battles for naval would be pretty good addition to like the battle of gualdalcanal Spotlights and stuff shining over the battle field


they cannot get the present modes right … adding more modes at this time will only make things worse

we do not get the competent coders

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Once exist, removed because people were so annyoed that they can’t see anything.

Already been done

They can make it toggleable like how they have made it on Ground Battles. But then again naval player base is small enough that you may never see a night battle.

add radar gun targeting for ships youll still be able to shoot but you wont be able to aim for weak spots you also need to add proper moon light to

Seeing how they treat naval they would probably add nightbattles with a midnight sun or something.
«Finally you got night battles in naval, northern Norway in june, enjoy»


There’s probably lots of pve stuff already in the Pacific campaigns and single-player missions they could expand upon for naval, which could be awesome if made properly!

As much as I enjoy lots of things in War thunder, I always feel that it could be so much much more!

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  1. Decompression. It’s by far the biggest issue, and everyone including Gaijin knows it.
  2. Fix the massive backlog of naval bugs including, but not limited to, missing and incorrect shell types, armor bugs, missing equipment, and reload times
  3. Give us larger maps. Fighting in a phone booth with ships that could fire shells 23+ miles is not rewarding.
  4. Either merge coastal back with blue water or remove the ludicrous RP requirements for coastal ships.
  5. Fix The servers so we don’t see so many crashes and crew locks.

id also add a 10% boost to naval rp because how slow it is


i just got a good indication of our coders

coastal game

my highest unit is br 2.3 the rest 2 and 1.7

somehow the matchmaker thought that it would be good to match me against a br 3.3 opponent and fill everything with bots ( 15 each side )

so 2 players 1 at br 2.3 and 1 at br 3.3 with the bots all being 3+

on what planet is that acceptable coding ?

some days you just have to laugh at them to ease the stress

How about detaching coastal from Blue Water Matchmaking. That would not only make Blue Water ships start from 1.0 giving more room for them but also that late Coastal vessels wont be dunked on by Bluewater ships vice versa. Maybe also give the chance to bring Coastal to Blue Water matches for those who want it.

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I keep a coastal ship for base capturing at 6.7 and find them usefiul. Not just food… Ive been using the float plane and this ‘Kirov’ or a boat always gets first spawn on base maps. you’re to small for bigger ships to care about because the game is about sinking displacement.

I think AA needs to be slightly reworked. Right now it is slightly OP… Of course that is the case because we have units from 1986 with in game RADAR and SAM’s against bi planes with floats. I’ll taeke off and an AA shell will knock you out. AI controlled. from where? any where… It is programmed in such that a ship will hit you just as you are about to drop the bomb. Literally right away. The AI AA guns can predict any kind of movemant to. no matter how fancy so you have to constantly change direction. I don’t think AA gunners were that accurate in WWii… maye add some slop for randomness to that to make more interesting… I think some of this stuff with RADAR should be at a higher BR… either way aircraft play a very minor roll in gamewhich is a shame since there are so many excellant AA platforms. It is a shame to see such a nice naval game go to waste with working mechanichs for aircraft to bomb. They need to add about 100,000yards to each side of the map and add player controlled CV’s that can switch between AI and control You can command a squadron with oommands like in Il2 FB. Now I know not everyone would be happy becasue some nations don’t have good torpedo bombers, but Germany has elctro acoustic homng torpedos to balance… They’d probaby have to go into fantasy to get the aircraft right, but starting in tier v or tier iv so we can have more powerful bombers ofr climbing! Like USSR… and everyone not america. That aside america had someinteresting naval aviation like dark shark and in game A2D1; BR goes by aircraft. Not everyone would want to climb up to 10’000 feet, but it would work great with EC and add a lot of dynamic to game play. It takes 10 mins for a bomber with 1000 ft/min climb rate… That way we can send waves of bombers and let air superiority become a knew dynamic in NAVAl battles just as ground rb. There can be a limit to the amount of total CV’s spawned in game. That way new players have a way in. Of course they could work some sort of spotting mechanismin to for search aircraft for the eventual inclusion of submarines and other such things; i keep seeing hype for .