Naval gameplay has become very unpopular and tedious in recent times.
I remember my old days playing, that nostalgia and excitement were part of every battle.
I record the noise of large-caliber enemy artillery coming, it was unique and frightening.
But as I said, none of this is reality anymore.
And as if that weren’t enough, naval gameplay is going through some very difficult times.
First, the naval mechanics were changed during several updates and in the end it got worse.
That joy of being able to hit the enemy ammorack and destroy it is now much rarer.
In any case, certain clear problems are noticeable.
1-The damage after penetration is bad. When you shoot with a large cannon from a battleship, the explosion after penetration is very low even when shooting with 400mm cannons.
2-The mechanics of the waterline are unpleasant. A round with 700mm penetration cannot penetrate 0.1-0.3m below the waterline. Thus making it very hard to explode magazines.
3-The accuracy of the shots is very low, meaning that we cannot hit where we really want.
4-The rangefinder, even with both ships stopped, shows incorrect distance values, each time it shows a different distance.
Thank you guys for that.I hope we can make Naval Battles great together and bring new people to that,bringing fun and joy to them.
Post pen damage certainly does feel inconsistant at times, but not sure what can specifically be done about it.
Though modeling AP flooding damage would help a lot.
Yeah, this definetly needs refinement.
Being fixed next major update
Its because it updates wierdly/stupidly.
Rather than updating on time based intervals and giving a broadly accurate range at said interval, the range updates when the target has moved suffeciently further away or closer to you. I think the required distance is something like 150m. Which is more than enough for your rounds to miss. It also makes accurate lead very hard. Changing it to a time based interval (such as when the lead is updated) would fix both issues,
I can regularly hit turrets at 10 km when I try (not always, but enough to make it worthwhile) - do you guys aim at all, or just fire centre of mass and hope?
Shot accuracy is called “spread” - these guns are not lasers or rail guns - they should always have spread - and even with that I can still hit turrets I’m aiming at at 10km! :p
Literally being fixed next major update. As part of tests we did for HMS Hood (and british 15" guns in general) using national Archive docs @Rileyy3437-live found that Hood had somewhere in the region of double the spread at 10km than it did IRL at 28km
It is literally being fixed next major update and hopefully we’ll see some semblence of IRL accuracy. (hood should now be more accurate than Scharnhorst iirc) Nothing is more annoying than having the entire salvo miss but perfectly bracket the target (some landing short and others long). Because skill has nothing to do with it. Thats just luck
Also, just a quick look at your stat card, you’ve not really played much with 15" or 16" guns which are most heavily affected by the (currently on live) shell dispersal nerfs. Your top 5 ships have 14" or below. Only Bayern and Baden have 15" according to your stat card. (though that is the same for OP)
I have a lot of issues with the new range finder crap making it a pain in the ass to actually dial in range. Before all these new UI rubbish, it was a lot easier to dial in ranges, and was a lot less cluttered. I would wager this deters many.
To be honest, I kinda like the way naval mechanics is at current! In RB, that is.
There’s other pressing issues I’d rather they worked on, like fixing maps and horrible spawns for heavy fleet, game modes etc.
Don’t worry, they are dumbing it down to the point you don’t have to worry about hitting a magazine in the next patch. You can just fall asleep with your face on the left mouse button. If you thought there were problems with the current system, go try the dev server version. It’s game-killing.
I have tried it, and I may be forced to go there permanently. There are few things I don’t like about that mode, but if they make arcade unplayable, I may not have a choice as a naval main. I just wish they would at least ask what players thought before completely redesigning the whole system.
That we can all agree on!
May I ask what you dont like in/with RB?
Personally, I dislike all arcademodes, be it ground, naval or air - enemy markers, “fizics” and all the lead markers. I could do some arcade coastal probably, except I am not a fan of coastal either :-)
I don’t like the aiming as much, but it’s tolerable. One of my biggest complaints is the spotting and identification mechanics. I’m often formulating a plan to deal ships before I even spawn based on the map and the individual ships I see spawning. I can’t do that in RB.
As an example, If I see a German player who has a Scharnhorst in the lineup, but spawns in with a coastal or a cruiser, I won’t target them to avoid the Scharnhorst spawning. If I see a Shimakaze spawning, I know I’m going to make it a targeting priority. It’s those types of things I can’t do in RB.
I may just have to get used to it if they are determined to ruin arcade. I’ve got years and thousands of games in that mode though.