Naval Battles Torpedo Spawn Killing

It’s not super common but people can get spawn killed by torpedoes in spawn. Which is very costly in a 3 ship spawn battle. In naval people only have spawn protection for about 2-5 seconds depending on how fast the ship is. Since spawn protection works similar to ground meaning if you move a certain distance then its removed. If you stay in certain distance then you get the full 10 seconds. However since as soon as you spawn you start at your maximum speed. When you spawn in you wont know the torpedo is coming until its too late. You may have a chance with a pt boat or destroyer but anything else, good luck. My solution would be to give the Cruiser spawns torpedo net protection just like the ports have in EC maps.

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Experienced players can absolutely ruin ones experience by immedeately spamming the spawn area with long range torpedoes and getting the payoff later in the match. I’d also like this change OR a full revamp of the naval mode with a game mode much closer to EC, but with more dynamic objectives that cater to all the various types of vessels, including submarines

And the problem is?
The torp spam into the spawn is to punish those who want to heave to and just shell across the map (with or with out “automated help”).
Get out of the spawn and don’t go in a direct line to a cap point and its not a problem.