Nations Medal Requirements

Hey y’all,

I wanted to make a post regarding the medal requirements in War Thunder. For example, the Order of Glory 1st Class for the USSR requires players win 10,000 missions with at least 60% battle activity and a top-three placement in their team. Just to give you an idea, I’m currently at 648 out of 10,000 wins, and despite spending a long amount of time playing the game, the progress feels a little overwhelming and nearly impossible for the average player. (Although I know some people might not really care)

To put it in perspective, even after thousands of hours of gameplay, reaching this goal seems completely unrealistic and the 60,000 RP seems a bit underwhelming, especially if It just goes to your convertable research points. I get that medals are meant to be challenging and shows a persons true “dedication” to this game, but I think that the requirements could be adjusted to be more achievable without neccessarily diminishing their value. Although some nations kinda have this, like Japan, instead of a massive 10,000 win target, Gaijin could impliment incrimental changes like this:

1,000 wins: Bronze Medal
2,000 wins: Silver Medal
5,000 wins: Gold Medal
And finally, 10,000 wins: Platinum Medal

This would allow players to experience a some sort of progress and achieving this along the way, rather than facing an unreachable goal. Alternatively, if Gaijin prefers not to lower the requirements, they could introduce additional medals, similar to what they did in the first Battle Pass. I personally feel like more variety in medals or achievements would make the game more engaging and give collectors like me something more attainable to strive for.

I realize that medals might not matter to every player, but for some of us, collecting these little rewards makes the game that much more immersive and enjoyable, and a sense of accomplishment while playing. I wish Gaijin would make them feel less like an “impossible” feat and more like a fun goal to work towards.

I’d love to hear what you guys think about this and maybe If enough players share a similar viewpoint on this, Gaijin might consider lowering the requirements. And once again, I understand this might not be on top of Gaijins to-do list, but little things like this, make the quality of life a lot better in a game like War Thunder.

Thanks guys and have a great day.


I think medals should be very hard to get, a sign of a truly dedicated player, but I think some countries have their medals far easier to obtain than others. For example, there are about 10 medals for Germany that are very easy to get meanwhile some minor nations like Israel have far fewer easy medals.


zhukov (2)
This is USSR player finnal form, it should be hard to get


If it tells you anything, play RB and Sim, as they get 2x and 3x multipliers, effectively halving the time it takes to accomplish it, I have all but 3-4 Swedish metals, and quiet a few in other nations.

It is underwhelming because you need to pay to use convertible RP. I would much rather have a flat +X amount of RP in that nation. 60k CRP is useless, 60K RP directly put into the vehicle you are researching is incredible.

I believe it would take 1.2k dollars for me to use all mine IIRC.

We’re also the only country not to have a single reward title lol.

(I.e Cavalier of the ‘x’)

I dont even want to compute mine. I have over 10 million convertable XP

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I have around 16 mil

Formula is easy, it’s just:

(TCRP/45)=GEN ((TCRP is Total Convertible RP) as 45 RP is exchanged for 1 GE, which results in GE needed to convert all (GEN is Golden Eagles Needed))

You just look at the GE pack prices and add from there

The medals used to be easy → Medals: Difference between revisions | War Thunder Wiki | Fandom

Then 🐌 made them hard for some nations and very hard for USA and France.
Then after 🐌 made you bust your nuggies for them, 🐌 decided to bury them with the new player card. 😑 Lots of players didn’t like that except the tone-deaf Fan boys. —> Bring Back the Original Player Card (Pre-Firebirds)

Not the smartest of moves considering that games are about achievement

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