“The Norwegian defence procurement authority Forsvarsmateriell and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace have unveiled a new version of the NASAMS air defence system. The first demonstration test of the short-range surface-to-air missile system took place at the end of May 2023.”
I’m not sure if this was brought up but here is a portable NASAMS Anti-Air vehicle that would significantly increase the capabilities of any nation equipped with it. The vehicle uses the ACSV G5 chassis, developed in Germany but produced in Norway. It is equipped with the X-band XENTA-M radar was developed by Weibel Scientific of Denmark which could possibly have a range of out to 75km depending on the model of RADAR. The vehicle uses IRIS-T anti-air missiles developed for ground use which can target aircraft out to 12km.
This vehicle would be an ideal fit for War Thunder.
you can go ahead if you wanna, got my own pet project i will have to reinstate after the new forum and them not including it in the already suggested vehicles for whatever reason
For the IRIS-T SLS, the max range is more 10km than the 12km stated in your thread.
A primary source from Diehl that says 10km max range and a 5km max altitude.
And a primary source from the maker of the missile is more accurate than a secondary one from https://gagadget.com/
yeah, but that is why always a rough estimation is given, it depends of the altitude of the target etc, generaly always expect the lower value to be more accurate