Namer 30 - General Discussion

Doesn’t have any composites in it currently, which means it’s basically still at ground zero.

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I heard Smin1080p talking about vacation for a week yesterday, so you probably have to mention another CM I suppose.

Apologies if I should post this somewhere else, but I am a bit confused by the Namer 30 model in game. I have watched podcasts and videos of the early testing of the Namer and the 30mm cannon turret and spike launchers do not resemble the model on the Dev server.

Specifically, all the non WT images I can find either in testing videos or stills, the Namer IFV w/ 30mm has a small unmanned turret that looks somewhat like a slimmed down early Merkava turret. The spikes are housed in the hull with a retractable launcher all the way into the hull body. Everything I have seen indicates this is the Namer 30 IFV. Where does the WT version come from?

Not complaining and not an Israeli weapons expert at all…just curious.


The Namer IFV being added to War Thunder is equipped with the RCWS-30 turret, not the more modern turret you may be used to.

Thank you. I imagine that means they will take the opportunity to make us grind multiple Namers down the road then.

In fact the Namer you are talking about is just called the Namer IFV, I can show you two pictures, The Namer RCWS-30 was actually the first testing of the model to see if a turret should be fitted.


Thank you. I wish we were getting the turret version. Either way, give some armor please.

M322 and M338 (Merk 3 also used M321 in the past but it’s no longer in production and I don’t think there’s any stockpiles of it left anymore)

Well, to quality as a loader (in the female units) you need to consistently load at 6 or less seconds if I remember correctly

By any chance are you capable of shedding some light on this? Deleted - #13 by SPANISH_AVENGER
Some reports (apparently coming straight from the IDF itself) state the Mk.4 as an ~80-ton tank, is this information true (if you’re allowed to say)? I have a few people I know doubting it, but from what I can see in videos of it just driving around, it really does appear to be 80 tons based on its sluggish performance in mobility and just sheer size. I mean especially comparing the Namer IFV which weights only ~5 tons less than the Mk.4 despite missing a ~20 ton turret it makes a lot of sense, even more when you compare the Mk.4 to the Mk.3 which in game share very similar weights.

That reload they listed isn’t even correct. The Merkava has an aced 6 second crew.

Of course, but it gives gaijin a path to create release the Namer IFV in the future that will have the enclosed turret and the active protection, Which I am quite happy with.

Its an open secret in the Israeli Armored Corps that the Merkava 4 weighs more than the 65 tonnes told to the public. I think it has something to do with the geneva convention. But yeah 80 tonnes is realistic.

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80 tons is more of a combat weight if I had to guess, Empty weight would be around 70-75 tons

True :)

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Tomorrow I assume we will see another Dev server update as usual, And first of all I will check the state of the Namer to see how it is developing, Lets hope we will see some progress, Time to pray for the Snail

20 shekels it stays as is

You could make it 200, You won’t lose that money…

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“Sluggish performance”

is probably because you see them driving slowly. IRL tanks are driving slow, and would hardly ever drive at their top stated speed. The reason is tanks are heavy and dangerous, there’s low visibility for the driver, and in most combat conditions you don’t actually have to drive quickly. A 60-80 ton tank driving 60km/h is just asking for a mass casualty event, either for the crew or someone else.

What you may see on Youtube or in the Russian tank biathlon are unique cases with very permissive conditions.

“and just sheer size”

It might sound odd but if you take every modern MBT in production, and remove their armor, the Merkava 4 will probably not be in the top 3 tallest tanks. Maybe not even top 5.

Ok rant over, now onto your question.
On combat vehicles, combat load can vary quite significantly from empty weight. For example the belly armor plate weighs a few tons. It won’t appear in advertisements. Fuel and ammo aren’t factored in either, and of course there may be the topic of armor. The crew can’t really load a whole 15 tons into a tank when going to a mission. Maybe a few tons in added kits. Not 15.
One possible explanation, and which I am not particularly qualified to talk about because I’m not a former crewman but which is logical, is that the Merkava 4’s armor is modular, and has been altered at least once since its introduction in 2004.
The Merkava 4B has some form of altered armor. It’s possible that since then it was changed again. Since the Merkava 4 has composite armor all around - front, sides, rear, and top - any comprehensive change in the armor technology or composition could result in significant changes in weight.
Unfortunately, material technology has not advanced nearly as fast as threats have, so it is logical that these armor changes resulted in increased weight.


I agree with you in a way, because I want the “full up” Namer, but I tire of the never ending grind of vehicles and modules. Especially for nearly identical vehicles. It is truly unnecessary to have so much grind.

At my most aggravated times, I see the game solely as based on the desire to get what is next or the “next shiny, my precious” instead of enjoying the gameplay of what I already have. The lackluster modes and poor maps do not help that feeling. It truly amazes me the psychology of staying on this hamster wheel sometimes, but I am right there spinning the wheel even if there are much better made games and gameplay out there that I could be playing.

Now I have depressed myself again ;)


Another Dev Server. Now, And we see another update, The side armor of the Namer looks much better now with some rework, Also the internal armor finally got an armor value (20mm, Still not good but we will see it developing) Also the front plate doesn’t exist anymore whatsoever, Which makes me think they are starting to work on its composition, and have removed it for now to work on its development, I will update you all if I see any other changes.