Namer 30 - General Discussion

is there a source for that

Difficult to find anything, since it never went in to service. I would at least assume with good logic and reasoning that it would have the capability to carry more, given that there’s a ton of space in the back (and the vehicle itself is far from finished). See the PUMA? It just has a 30mm belt sitting in the back. Maybe something similar to Namer would be done.


Extra ammo is definitely welcome.

A single magazine with no spares inside an empty troop compartment is questionable to say the least, especially since in WT it serves an anti tank purpose.


Personally, for the sake of gameplay. Throwing in some spikes in there and belts would not hurt gameplay. it’s also a place where you can be ammoracked so there’s that…

I genuinely want this to be a good vehicle so I can bring something else that is not a Merkava MBT. This is the chance to make Israel way more interesting!


Does this affect gameplay? I haven’t looked into the new module system

Also more SPIKEs 100%. 4 spikes is already highly ineffective, 2 must be terrible


It appears to be incomplete. But as far as I get it. It looks like the general layout is complete. But individual components are not.

The ammunition will act as usual. Y’know, spikes and 30mm ammunition are not fireproof. And it’ll rack the vehicle.

Regarding modules. It’s difficult to say. It looks very spacey so it might be a bit annoying to knock out but that’s where we can store ammunition? …Two birds with one stone?

And yes. 4 SPIKE would be somewhat pathetic. There’s plenty of space and considering this vehicle never went in to service we don’t know how much it would carry. Gaijin is a bit free to do a bit of whatever they want here(*). I would honestly argue that they should give it an okay amount of spare ammo and spikes in the back of the vehicle where there’s plenty of space. If giving it more spikes means upping its BR. That’s fine, the lineup sits at 11+ anyways. Willing to use this at 11.7 even so give it some real good stuff and I think it would be absolutely amazing of an IFV with unique capabilities like SPIKE, hulldown capability and autotracking capability and autocannon.

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No more additional ammunition is a disaster for the RCWS-30 Namer. Because the turret has no protection, all 30mm shells will be lost once by default, and SPIKE’s poor performance in the game. Only two rounds are far from enough to meet the needs.
As for the protection performance of the vehicle, in view of Gaijin’s obvious “discrimination” on the treatment of Merkawa 4, Namer is very lucky to survive under the 2S38 frontal shot. As for what has better protection, it can only be said that don’t have too high expectations for Gaijin. The higher the expectation, the more sad it will be.


Yeah… Gaijin is not willing to be transparent and let us know what is planned. Regardless, I still think we have to push for it.


The Removed Composites is BS for a tank that weighs 63 fucking tons.


wonder if we can get this version lol

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Looks interesting. Make a suggestion in the appropriate section. I’d like to know more!

Needs ammo reloads, its armor modeled, and mass corrected if incorrect.

Dev. Server… Things are subject to change™

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Armor is classified so I’m sure it will be minimal.

That is an heavily modified M113 with Rafael RCWS and armour package.

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Regarding some comments here:

  1. Namer is based on a hybrid between the Merkava 3 and 4. It has a 1,200hp engine, likely more readily available than the 1,500 as tanks with this engine were already in the process of gradual withdrawal from service, and the 1,500hp are more expensive.

  2. Over a decade ago, the IDF tested an IFV version, armed with 2 turrets: Rafael’s Samson 1 (aka RCWS-30, what we have in game), and Elbit’s UT-30 Mk1. The UT-30 was also tested on the Stryker by the way, when it was evaluated for IDF use.

  3. Until recently the IDF kept rejecting the idea but decided to develop a proprietary turret that it now wants to deploy on Namer and Eitan IFVs. The turret is named MATE30.

  4. Recently the IDF also unveiled the Namer 2 with a 1,500hp engine, making it a pure Merkava 4 APC.

  5. Although mostly threatened by HEAT weapons, as is true for every single nation on earth, it still boasts thick frontal armor. The Merkava 4’s frontal armor is confirmed to be of different composition to its other areas (e.g. sides and top), and recently Rafael detailed the capabilities of their anti-KE armor.
    It is likely a Namer provides significant anti-KE protection as well.
    Fit for real life threats, the Namer is the most heavily protected armored vehicle on the planet, outweighing the nearest competitor by about 10 tons.



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The Namera (this name was later repurposed for a Namer CEV variant) is merely a prototype. IDF also prototyped the ARV and Ofek on Mark 1/2 hulls but ended up producing them and Pereg on Mark 3 and 4 hulls.

