'Namer 30' Bugs

Since it’s addition, the Namer RCWS-30 (not simply ‘30’) has been inaccurate as hell. So here is a ‘Gaijin-fix-it’ list for you all.

  1. Transmition. In-game it has the same transmition as the Merkava Mk.1, while it should be the one of the Mk.3 (+60-(-26.3) kph instead of +54-(-23) kph). Some sources even report the Namer has a modified Merkava Mk.4 transmition, with 85.2 kph to both sides, but it must be checked out first.

  2. Turret rotation speed. Gaijin simply copied the existing targeting speed of the Merkavas Mk.3 and 4 (probably wrong speeds too), instead of researching more about what it really is (I have no accurate stats, but it should be 40-60 degrees per second).

  3. Fire rate. The IDF once tested the Bushmaster with higher fire rate, around 350-450 RPM. I want that in WT right now.

  4. Armor. the little sister of the Namer, the Achzarit APC, has been proved to be frontally immune to 3BM42. The Namer is on a completley different much higher level of protection, just like the real-life Merkava Mk.4. But in WT, a 30 mm APDS shell can penatrate it’s LFP (same with Merkava), a 3BM22 can one-shot it on the UFP and there are also some cool fictional weakspots like the ‘only 30 mm’ plate on top and the weird hole in the too-thin composite armor. But the armor problem is shared by every Merkava variant in WT, and even some Magach suffer from it.

  5. Most importantly - that cute little machine gun ammo indicator seems to be missing when playing the Namer.

  6. Good night my friends!




Show us some proof homie

  • got any proof for that?

  • if you do make a proper bug report and you may be heard

average israel player, not a single source for anything


Honestly just using a little bit of brain power. It’s a RCWS, not a 20+ ton tank turret. It should be able to traverse at high speeds with relative ease.


Im just saying, cuz its not acceptable by gaijin to JUST use our brain.


I haven’t been able to find any sources for the turret traverse rates of the RCWS-30 the namer variant ingame uses (I remember even asking around once back when it first got added). It seems it isn’t public information at this time sadly. Fingers crossed it will be someday in the near future.

Wrong. The mk1 transmission is very different


Tested, not used


I am sorry, I meant Mk.2 transmition. Fixed it.

Didn’t understand why you think the targeting speed is not the same as MK.3/4

Avarage not-knowing-IDF-classification-level.

Because it’s not a Mk3/4 turret :)



But in-game, unlike real life, the targeting speed is identical!
