Nakajima Ki-201 Karyū "Fire Dragon" (キ201 火龍)

It’s different from the cases you mentioned tho. Seems like you missed the whole Zerstorer debacle, which yes it was technically made, but still had an uproar from the community. From the ones who say it’s historical to the ones which say it should have the wirbelwind turret. This aircraft had only the engines made, and that’s it. No paper/incomplete prototype vehicle was added in WT since the removal of the Paper German vehicles. None of them. The last one we could argue was the J6K1, which still was much more complete than the Ki-201. And the F-16AJ was a proposal of an already existing vehicle. The Ki-201 never existed, not even in the form of prototype or mock-up. It’s an amazing plane don’t get me wrong, but as long as Gaijin doesn’t have photographic evidence the chances of seeing it added are below 0% at least for now. The only vehicles in WT without photographic evidence (since the famous day when they removed german paper vehicles) is the Ostwind II, but since then none of this kind were added


As far as requirements go, given that at least 3 of the Ne-230 engines were built and 2-3 of the Ne-130 engines were built, the guns already exist and the airframe is effectively a larger Kikka (or slightly larger Me 262) and the plans were to give it an existing bombload. I say it fits a perfect example of what Gaijin expects out of a “unfinished Prototype” in this case.

Sure the odds might still be very slim given how little Japan gets in terms of patch contents but this jet is certain grounded in reality even more so than the F-16AJ which is completely fake by comparison.

On a final note this isn’t a case of guessing whether or not its real in the configuration presented to us like the Zerstorer 45. We have the design drawing, enough parts of the aircraft were built and the performance metrics for the guns and the engines are clearly outlined to us. we even know that the Ne-130 engines damaged themselves after being tested at 8,000RPM (Source)


Then I will be happy to wait for the “Ratte” tank, since all its parts were made one way or another, but there is no prototype or even a mock-up, and there never was, as in the case of 201.

P.s All the specifications you named are not attached to anything, you need detailed documents, drawings, as well as various sources where it could potentially have been manufactured at one time

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No, because any “existing” parts for the Ratte project were just standard German equipment already in use elsewhere. The Ne-130 and Ne-230 engines were meant for the Ki-201 project.

Additional Notes

Do note that these vehicles were often planned with purpose-built equipment, such as powerplants, but during their performance projections may have utilized existing equipment or were speculated to use commonly available equipment upon completion. This will not count as “partially constructed” unless historical sources state that these equipment pieces are in fact intended as standard for the vehicle.


The P.1000 Ratte was abandoned as a project in 1943 and nothing was specifically intended for it. The main tower was built for Scharnhorst-class battleships (more precisely, the battleship Gisenau), the additional armament is a Pak 43 gun and a flak pancner cannon. It is not even certain whether a detailed design of the structure was created.


The problem is that they weren’t even assembled, how can this be considered some kind of engine? Considering that I think there are not many documents on this topic

The same applies to 201, this cannot even be considered a prototype or mock-up. Just another military project that was closed at the end of the war



Heh, on an airplane and not just on a stand. Germany during the 3rd Reich in this case has a lot of such projects)

It looks to me like the design and technical requirements, although I could be wrong




You questioned whether or not the engines were made, not whether there was a plane for them to be mounted on.

May I again point you to Gaijin’s official policy

What constitutes an (unfinished) prototype:

  • Vehicle-specific parts (i.e. guns, powerplants, etc.) were built

I’m sure there are a lot of German projects that are in the same boat (plane) as this one too.


Yes, but you need a source where they come from, preferably citing a museum or some kind of national archive

Nobody follows these rules, not even the company Gaijin. Just remembering the same Flakpanzer 341, which had a completely made hull and turret mockup

Here is the source
Nakajima KARYU2 (

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Well, Flakpanzer 341 was removed from the tree. Though people still have arguments over whether or not its replacement actually existed so bruh I guess.

And before you point out the Ho-Ri Production, Gaijin still (wrongfully) insists it was built in some way so by their metric it follows their rules.

And the F-16AJ was them specifically breaking their rules for an exception.


Don’t get me wrong, I like your proposal from a historical point of view, but these sources are needed more by the company than by me, in the form of direct links to museums or personal archives for the “correct” implementation of technology in the game

As I remember, one of the Hori was made in metal, and the second in the form of collapsible parts. So…

Exceptions will always be exceptions, in essence this does not change anything except a negative attitude towards gaijin, and its whining about how players do not bring money into a free game because of such decisions

This link is to the museum


Eh, everything I’ve seen states the Ho-Ri production never existed, only maybe the prototype, which it seems both of your examples would be.

Well it gave Japan the best F-16 dogfighter which made their top tier somewhat competitive for a time. Therefore making Japan a more attractive tree to grind and increasing the sales of the F-4EJ ADTW.


In general, I did not mean the museum’s website, but rather the museum, where there is possible documentation on this matter. By type: International Christian University - Mitaka, where parts of these engines were found, and so on

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now I understand what you mean, but I don’t live in Japan, so I can’t go to the appropriate museum and ask. I can go and see where the Graf Zeppelin stood, but I can’t go to see where the Ki-201 was supposed to be built


Well, that’s why I say that the gaijin needs to be told specifically where to go or where to look for it, they probably have employees from Japan)

DMM could maybe help