My cat died (i know that isnt war thunder stuff but i need some confort)

My cat died (he was only 4 months) yesterday at 22:03 he had luekemia
Did not eat and he was all day at trying to sleep
I know thus isnt war rhunder stuff but i want just some confort from this amazing comunity


Sorry to hear that, RIP little cat. :(




sorry for your loss man… i remember losing my pet fish when i was a kid… it broke my heart and the feeling of suffocation was cruel…
time heals us tho.
trust fate and the one who writes it


Thanks man


You have my sincerest sympathies. I know your cat is in a good place, and will remember you fondly for the time he could be with you. May you find peace, for your cat has as well.

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Losing a friend is always hard, but even though they cant be there for our whole lives, we can be for their whole lives.

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Thanks to all ❤


Rest in peace little cat. Im sure your cat will be watching you from the Heaven


Sorry for your lost i feel for your lost very well Once i lost my Dog he stay with me since I was a child the last moment of his life i have to choose between let the Doctor end his life peacefully or let his suffering to his sickness (he too old for any treatment at that time) and I choose first option and when he gone it broke me completely unable to work got fired from job having problems with eat and sleep it take me two years to recover and my choices still hunted me until this day but lucky my family always tell me “You did everything you could” which i always keep thinking that ways
Stay strong buddy


As a guy with 10+ cats I understand your pain. It is really heart breaking to lose your beloved pets.


I stumbled upon this today. I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve had to say goodbye to many great cats over the years and i have another who just reached 20 years old this year and is looking like she won’t last another. Although it might be painful now, another wonderful friend is probably around the corner. I’m writing this now as my youngest cat i got during covid sits in my lap.

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I’m sure the cat feels lucky to have lived with you, even if it was only for 4 months.
Rest in peace little cat… :(


I know this is 3 months old but I just wanted to offer my condolances and say that I’m really sorry that your cat passed away.


I will pray for your cat. Can I have their name, please? I am also so sorry for your loss, my friend.

Her name was shy, oh and while i was gone my grandmas cat passed away too.
(that one we did not know what he had)

Im sorry man :(

I guess I’m a little late but, I’m sorry man. My deepest sympathy to you. She’s somewhere better now, and watching over you from above.

May your cat rest in peace, i hope she’s enjoying tons upon tons of catnip and a giant world of replayability.