Multiple Connection Losses

I got various connection losses within the recent days. My internet connection is absolutely reliable, so this is not the issue.
It appears to be a server issue, and it’s really frustrating.
Should I regret, I just bought another 365 days of premium membership yesterday?

Please fix it!

Thanks in advance!

I got some network problem sometime today - long connection to battle, Packet Loss > 40 %

This reminds me to mention an important detail.

When I ran into this issue at the beginning of a battle, it took minutes to join. Having a look at the players’ statistics I found only 3 - 5 players of each team in the battle. Others getting connected even later.

This is why it appears to be a server issue, potentially not even network related but some bug or whatever hindering the server to do its job.

Hope that helps to identify the issue.

Nah, I had one of those matches earlier, but it’s not likely to be a server issue that’s causing this.

People need to follow the diagnosis and advice from others.

Another thread we found the network was set to public, instead of private which could possibly be messing with the firewall settings.