How do I invert the Y-axis of the mouse as joystick without inverting View control?
It should be under the key bind for Y axis movement in controls, but I’m not 100% sure as I am not on right now.
Are you looking for mouse forward, pitch down or mouse forward, pitch up?
If mouse forward, pitch down it’s easy: Standard rather than simplified controls under Mouse Joystick tab. View remains as it did.
Now, if you want Standard controls AND mouse forward, pitch up…
I am afraid I do not know. I know it’s possible, and it takes a bunch of inverting inversions but that’s the limit
This inverts view control too, and I couldn’t invert views back in the view bindings…
Inverted whole, changed bindings for keyboard pitch to invert back, and was trying to invert view control back but it didn’t work for mouse control on views, only the keyboard ctrl was inverted…