Motortorpedoboat MTB-5 - Vosper class

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Motortorpedoboat MTB-5 - Vosper class

BUILDING SITE: Vosper Ltd. Portsmouth, Great Britain
HOIST COMMAND: 15 May 1940

1x 1x2 12.7x99mm machinegun
1x 1x2 0,303mm machinegun
2x 18" torpedotubes
4x Depth charges/sinking mines

Displacement: 20 Ton
Hull: Wooden
Length: 20.0m
Width: 5.0m
Depth: 1.2m
Crew: 10 men

Eigne: 2x Isotta Fraschini petrol powered eignes
Power: 2.300 BHK
Speed: 41 Knots

1940: Built at Norwegian expense
1940: 11 MTB flotilla, Dover
1941: Exploded at dock in Dover 1 July and was condemned

MTB 5 and MTB 6, which were built in England at Norwegian expense, were commissioned in Portsmouth in the middle of May 1940. Both vessels were ready for war service on 29 June 1940 and were stationed in Dover with the English Channel as their field of operation. The missions mainly consisted of escort service, but operations along the French coast were also carried out. On the afternoon of 25 September 1940, MTB 6, together with British motor gunboats, went out from Newhaven to take part in an operation against German vessels in the port of Boulogne. The sea was temporarily heavy, and even though the vessel reduced speed, the MTB’s bow was turned in and took on water. When it was not possible to save the vessel, the crew was picked up by one of the British motor gunboats. MTB 6 was later found adrift in the Channel by German vessels and towed into a French port.

MTB 5 continued, as the only Norwegian MTB, with its service in the Channel. Together with British MTBs, it was in constant skirmishes with the enemy without being itself seriously damaged. On the morning of 1 July 1941, an explosion occurred in the engine room of MTB 5 while it was in Ferry Dock, Dover. The explosion killed four men and injured two men, and the boat was so damaged that it was condemned. Thus the saga of the first two Norwegian motor torpedo boats ended.



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