Most British 7.3-9.7 is overtiered

Examples: Hunter F.1 and F.6. French, there’s Swedish, and German hunters at the same BR with much better kit (9Bs, 9Js, CM, etc.) and engines.
Sea Hawk: Basically an F2H but .7 higher.
Venom/Sea Venom and Vampire: definitely NOT competitive considering there’s F9Fs, and Mig-15bis just .3 higher than the vampire, or even .4 lower than the venom.


Not quite.

SRAAMs are better than Aim-9Bs and probably the best AAMs outfitted to any Hunter (especially if they ever get an overhaul).

The British Hunter F6 and Hunter FGA9 also recently got a new engine and is the same one in the Hunter F58, the Mk207. The Dutch F6 still has the Mk203 engine.

But, Hunter F6 vs the *swiss Hunter F58 is mostly unfair due to the flares the F58 has, and it could perhaps do with being 10.0 as a result. The compresssion often pits the F6 against all aspects that kill it with ease or against things with flares that defeat SRAAMs very easily.

The Dutch Hunter F6 is best compared to the Hunter FGA9 a British premium no longer on sale. Which is at 9.7 whereas the Dutch F6 is at 9.3, the difference most notably being trading the Aim-9Bs for the Aim-9Es, though it does also have the slightly better engine now. Those being a different BR really annoys me though (Especially in Sim where they are 0.7 difference in BR)

The Hunter F1 should have moved down with the things like the G91

Situations like this are caused almost entierly due to compression, and it is better to focus on decompression, rather than individual BR changes. I also think 7.0-10.0 needs a entire BR overhaul because there are some interesting decisions regarding balance there. I think 10.0 would just push the Hunter F.58 into a bracket where it can’t use it’s primary advantage, and it would mean other similar aircraft would need to move up to. It is a very good plane at 9.7, but I want decompression before it goes up.

Yeah, its certainly needed, but without a doubt there are several aircraft on the British TT in the range given by OP that desperately need a BR drop until then. Hunter F1 and Javelin are 2 on my list. After that , they really need to hurry up and fix SRAAMs, that would keep the F6 going

Also Sea-Vixen, should NEVER have moved

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put canbebras down pls

I don’t like SRAAMs. If I don’t take them, my plane shouldn’t be 9.7. I want my 9.0 Hunter F.6

“Dynamic BRs” are something that could be interesting to add, but honestly. I doubt they will ever come and if they do, they’ll be for more… pressing, BR balance issues (for example on the British TT, being able to take a Harrier Gr7 with 9Ls only to a lower BR would be really good)

But with the introduction of “late” variants of aircraft like the F3 and Viggen D, I doubt it will ever come.

There is a legitamate argument against Dynamic BRs though, it would make balancing the game FAR harder than it is currently, becuase some if not most vehicles could end up with 2 or 3 BRs (the fact we got split BRs for ground is a huge surprise for me)

SRAAMs though should be really solid, but they need an overhaul. They should have double their current range (effective out to 2km rather than the 800m -1km range they have currently) and have a really annoying min range (about 400m) caused by TVC issues. Fixing these would make them really good missile and actually 9.7 worthy. (though could also get all-aspect but the balancing issues for that make it extremely unlikely to ever happen)

okay I unironically hate the sea vixen cause I have to face it in a vamp lmao