More squadron vehicles == The maximum number of Squadron RP obtainable should increase

Self-explanatory but here are the calculations.

There are 365 days in a year and we have 5 updates per year, it makes 73 days per each update
In each 73 day period, you can earn squadron points 24.33 times, with a maximum 24.33 * 20000 ~ 485K squadron points obtainable between each update. And most people do not earn this amount as not every squadron are grind squadrons with 150 active players each day.

Now this number is clearly below the average required amount of squadron points for each new squadron vehicle.

October update: F-117(400.000), BMP-2 (400.000), SuperHind(360.000), total 1.160.000

September update : CV9035 (540.000) , CTWV (520.000) , JF-17 (580.000), total 1.640.000

June update: Total 0

March update: F-5E (550.000), total 550.000

December 23 update: Total 0

So it makes a total of 3.350.000 squadron rp worth of vehicles added in the span of a year, 670K RP load of grind per update in average.

Therefore the maximum amount of obtainable squadron points for 3 days should increase to at least 30000 from the current 20000 to ease grind.


Seems legit

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400000 i think thats the correct amount of zeroes, would be better

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20,000 every 3 days is a comically low value.

30,000 every 3 days is long overdue- it should actually be more like 50,000 at this point, if at all.


And that’s assuming that you’re in a max activity squadron. If you aren’t, you can expect the time it takes to go up by 50% or more.