- Yes, it would be great to have a researchable modification
- It would be great to see it separately in the research thread
- It would be great to see it as a separate ship for the event
- No

Sub Category: 戦艦 / Battleship
Class: 伊勢 / Ise class
During the descent from the stocks in 1914, “Fuso” and the ship of the same type, completed in 1915, the ship “Yamashiro” were the most powerful battleships of the Japanese Navy. In 1916 and 1917. the first two were supplemented by two more ships of the same class, Ise and Hyuga. In terms of firepower, they were superior to most large ships of the US Navy and were approximately equal to battleships of the “Pennsylvania” class. The appearance of warships of this class in Japan meant a loud declaration of the country about itself as a major maritime power. 14-inch TV (356-mm) Fuso main-caliber guns were made in Japan, the arrangement of the gun turrets was atypical: two were installed in front, two behind, and two more in the middle of the ship.
After commissioning, the battleship “Ise” was enlisted in the 1st battleship battalion of the 1st fleet. Before the outbreak of the war in the Pacific, the battleship was located off the coast of the Soviet Union, Korea and China, and also conducted exercises in Japanese waters. On April 12, 1922, the Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VIII, visited the battleship, arriving on the battle cruiser Renown. During the great Kanto earthquake of 1923, the battleships Ise and Hyuga sailed to Kyushu on September 4 to load supplies for the victims. During an artillery shooting practice in 1926, Ise sank the destroyer Yayoi. In the period from 1920 to 1930. spent most of the time on patrol off the coast of China.
In the period from 1928 to 1937, as we wrote above, the battleship underwent a series of upgrades, during which it was radically rebuilt.
By the time a military storm broke out in the Pacific Ocean, Ise and battleships of the same type were undergoing several upgrades. Between 1935 and 1937 the Ise was fitted with a composite foremast and a 3.1-inch. (77 mm) anti-aircraft guns. Fuso underwent a major overhaul between 1930 and 1935, when the front tube was replaced by pagoda-style masts, the main mast was built on and the ship’s armor protection, including its deck and underwater part, was significantly increased. As a result, the aft hull was slightly lengthened, and the ship’s weight increased by 3,500 tons. The completely renewed engine room housed more powerful Kampon turbines instead of Brown-Curtis turbines. The arsenal of light weapons was gradually increased, in addition, “Fuso” could carry up to three seaplanes (usually “Nakajima” Type 95). In addition to providing support to their troops, who were seizing the islands at the beginning of the war in the Pacific, Japan’s large ships did not play a large role in the hostilities in this theater of operations.
Despite all the upgrades carried out before the start of the Second World War, the battleship was still considered outdated and was not perceived as a combat battleship due to its low speed, large crew and short cruising range. From September 1941 the battleships Ise and Hyuga were part of the 2nd battleship division of the 1st fleet, with the Ise being the flagship of the fleet. In addition, the 2nd Division included Fuso-class battleships.
Ise participated in the Combined Fleet Attack on Pearl Harbor. True, he did not take part in direct combat, his task was reduced to long-range support of the main forces of the Japanese fleet. On December 8, 1941, the battleship in the 2nd division reinforced by the battleships “Nagato” and “Mutsu” and the aircraft carrier “Hōshō”, was off the Bonin Islands, after which it returned to Hasirajima.
On March 11, 1942, Ise participated in the search and interception of an American air force that struck the Marcus Islands. These islands are located just a thousand miles from Tokyo. However, it was not possible to find the American connection, and on March 21, the battleship returned to Hashirojima.
On April 18, 1942, the battleship, as part of the 2nd Division, went out to intercept the American formation that took part in the raid, “Dullitt”, which inflicted an air strike on Japan. However, the interception did not take place, and the unit returned to Hasirajima.
On May 11, 1942, an accident occurred on the battleship, as a result of which the second engine room was flooded. During the repair work that took place in Kure and took a month, a new experimental Type 21 radar was also installed.
After the losses incurred in the battle for the island of Midway in 1943, the Ise and the Hyuga were transformed into some kind of “hybrids” - aircraft carrier battleships. Towers “X” and “U” were dismantled, replacing them with catapults for seaplanes, which, upon returning from the mission, were lifted aboard using a crane. The ships could carry up to 22 seaplanes, but the converted battleships did not have much success. The number of antiaircraft guns continued to increase until the number of 25-mm automatic anti-aircraft guns exceeded 100 barrels, despite the fact that at the beginning of its history Ise had only 16 units of air defense systems. At the same time, all medium-caliber guns were dismantled from the ship. The planes of the Ise aviation group did not differ in flight range or firepower in order to have a serious impact on the battles in the skies over sea and land, and towards the end of the war the catapults were removed, and in Leyte Bay the Ise operated without aircraft. On July 18, 1945, not far from Kure, the Ise was launched to the bottom by carrier-based combat aircraft from American aircraft carriers. The Hyuga followed him six days later. Since both sank in shallow water after the end of the war, in 1945 the battleships were raised and cut for scrap.

During the attack of the Japanese Imperial Navy on the Midway Islands, known in the documents as Operation MI, “Ise” as part of the 2nd Division, reinforced by two light cruisers, twenty destroyers, accompanied by two tankers, were to provide support to the forces of the Aleutian group, if necessary, and on June 14 the division returned to Hasirajima.
As we mentioned above, the Japanese fleet lost four aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway, and it was decided to convert the Ise-class battleships into aircraft carrier battleships. On July 14, both ships were handed over to the United Fleet for refitting and modernization. The renovation was completed on October 8, 1943.
Already on October 13, 1943, the battleship-aircraft carrier “Ise” left for Truk, where it arrived on October 20 with infantry units to strengthen the base’s defense. After unloading the infantry units, he provided security for the base. On October 31, he left Truk in Kure, where he arrived on November 6.
On May 1, 1944, due to its new status, “Ise” was enlisted in the 4th division of aircraft carriers of the 3rd fleet. At the end of June, test flights of E-16A1 seaplanes from the battleship-aircraft carrier “Ise” were carried out on the Khasir roadstead.
On October 5, 1944, the battleships-aircraft carriers “Ise” and “Hyuga” were enlisted in the Mobile Formation of the United Fleet. On October 20, Ise left Yoshima as part of the Northern Formation, which was to be deployed according to the plans of Operation Sego. On October 24, together with “Hyuga” and four destroyers, detached to the vanguard to protect the aircraft carriers of the 3rd Division. This division was the last combat-ready group of aircraft carriers. On October 25, she was on an air defense order with the aircraft carriers Zuikaku and Zuiho, as well as the light cruiser Oyodo. All daylight hours, the compound was exposed to air strikes from the American compound TF.38. During the battle, the ships kept a speed of 22 knots. “Ise” received a direct hit from a small-caliber aerial bomb on the main caliber turret # 2. During the attack, the aircraft carrier battleship shot down five out of ten dive bombers. At 17:30 he was attacked by 80 dive bombers and several torpedo bombers. As a result of the attack, I got hit in the left side catapult. In addition, due to a large number of close explosions of aerial bombs (more than 30), the sheathing sheets of the left side boiler room were dispersed. Outboard water began to flow through the resulting hole and shrapnel holes. The ship’s anti-aircraft defense proved ineffective, and by the end of the battle, American aircraft had sunk the aircraft carriers Zuikaku, Zuihō and Chitose, as well as the destroyer Akizuki. During the transition with the remnants of the fleet to the metropolis, it was subjected to unsuccessful attacks by American submarines.
At the beginning of November, repairs took place in Sasebo, and on November 11, I went to Manila with infantry military formations and a load of ammunition. At the end of November he was in Lingga, from the middle of December - in Cam Ranh Bay, in January 1945 - again in Lingga. On February 10, I left Singapore in a compound loaded with fuel, rubber, tin and zinc. The connection included the battleships-aircraft carriers “Ise”, “Hyuga” and the cruiser “yodo”. Arrived in Japan on February 19, avoiding attacks by American submarines.
Until September 1945 he was in Kure with a minimum supply of fuel. On March 19, during an air raid of the American compound TF.58, it received two direct hits from bombs and several close explosions.
On July 24, during a raid on the Kura by the aircraft of the American compound TF.38, “Ise” received five direct hits of 454 kg. bombs from fighter-bombers launched from the aircraft carrier “Belleau Wood” in the hangar area, the central group of main battery towers and the superstructure. The ship was banked to the port side. By July 28, the water from the ship was pumped out and ready to be docked, but was attacked by fighter-bombers “Corsair” launched from the aircraft carrier “Hancock”. “Ise” received five direct hits of 454 kg. bombs, and then thirteen more for the rest of the day and many nearby explosions. The aircraft carrier battleship received severe damage to the hull and superstructures, by the end of the day it was abandoned by the crew and sank in shallow water.
November 20, 1945 “Ise” was excluded from the lists of the fleet, and in 1946 - 1947. raised and dismantled for metal in Kura.
Example location of the upgraded modification:
The model before modernization presented in the game - IJN Ise 1941
What the model of the battleship IJN Ise 1944 will look like after the modification being researched
- Main armor belt: 305 mm
- Armor belt height: 3.8 meters
- Armor traverse: 305 mm
- Reservation in the area of the stems: 203-76 mm
- Upper armor belt: 203 mm
- Armor traverse of the upper armor belt: 152 mm
- Mine artillery casemate: 152 mm
- Main Armor Deck:
- Between traverses: 98 mm
- Outside the traverse: 57 mm
- Upper deck above the citadel: 51 mm
- Deck above casemate: 19 mm
- Main turret armor:
- Front plate: 305 mm
- Side walls: 203 mm
- Roof: 114 mm
- Armor of the main battery barbets: 305 mm
- Reservation of the bow conning tower: 305 mm
- Reservation of the aft conning tower: 102 mm
Technical component:
- Crew - 1426
- Standard displacement: 31260 t
- Full-load displacement: 36500 t
- Max length: 208,2
- Max width: 28,7
- Average draft at trial state: 8,8 m
- Main boiler: 8 boilers
- Main engine: 2 TA “Brown-Curtis”
- Power: 80000
- Speed: 25.4 knots
- Aircraft: 22 seaplanes ( Yokosuka D4Y2 Suisei and Aichi E16A Zuiun )
- 4х2 - 356 mm 45 caliber 41st Year Type 36 cm Gun
- 8x2 - 127 mm 12.7 cm/40 (5") Type 89
- 31x3 - 25 mm 25 mm/60 (1") Type 96 Model 1
- 11x1 - 25 mm 25 mm/60 (1") Type 96 Model 1
- 6х28 - 120 mm Anti-aircraft rocket launcher RSZO “ロ サ 弾” (Ro-Sa Dan)
- 1 - Type 21 Radar
- 2 - Type 22 Radar
- 2 - Type 13 Radar
Original drawings of Ise (1943)
There aren’t rocket launcher yet, but it will be help to know about layouts of Ise after modification!
With translation
Pros & Cons
- A large number of air defenses
- Anti-aircraft missile defense
- 22 aircraft
- Type 21, Type 22, Type 13 - Radars
- Minus firepower (4x2 356-mm, instead of 6x2 356-mm)
- Inability to shoot astern
More photos:
All resources:
- http://navgunschl2.sakura.ne.jp/tenji/19-IJN_EndOfWar.html
- Japanese Battleships 1897-1945.epub - Japanese Battleships 1897-1945: A Photograpic Archive R A Burt
- Jane’s Fighting Ships of World War II.pdf “Jane’s Fighting Ships of World War II” by McCurtie, Francis
- http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNJAP_12cm_AA_Rocket.php
- https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp
- Japanese Battleship: Fuso & Ise Classes Robert Brown
- “日本海軍艦艇図面集”, ISBN-13 : 978-4562026906