Mitsubishi AAM-5 (Type 04 air-to-air missile - 式空対空誘導弾 - )

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Short explanation of AAM-5.

Mitsubishi AAM-5 is the successor missile for AAM-3. It was first started development in1991, and fully went into service in 2004 and has been used since.

From this point on, i will start calling AAM-5 “AAM-5A” and its improved version “5B”.

Characteristics of AAM-5A

AAM-5A, compared to AAM-3 is longer, uses thrust vectoring and lacks Canard Control Surfaces. In terms of missile generation it is equivelant to that of IRIS-T and Aim-9X “Sidewinder”. Features such as LOAL and Mid flight course update.

"Unlike the Type 90 air-to-air guided missile, there is no canard, and flight control is performed by a TVC (Thrust Vector Control) rocket motor and a fully movable flight control wing attached to the tail of the missile. Ensuring high mobility. Additionally, a long slender strake is provided in the center of the missile.

The NEC seeker has also been improved, and in addition to increasing the viewing angle with the infrared seeker’s 3-axis gimbal, it also utilizes infrared images with an infrared focal plane array type multi-element seeker. Identification based on infrared images counters infrared source interference methods such as flares. In addition, in the mid-route, an optical fiber gyroscope type inertial guidance (INS) is introduced, which enables lock-on-after-launch (LOAL) when combined with a helmet-mounted sight. The guidance method for the final leg is infrared imaging (IIR). It belongs to the same generation as AIM-9X, IRIS-T, etc."

AAM-5B Has all the same features but it includes a better IRCCM, and a stirling engine for seeker cooling.

Image of AAM-5A and 5B below.


Nozzle and the Thrust vectoring control image.



Development of AAM-5A 式空対空誘導弾

The Type 04 air-to-air guided missile AAM-5 is a domestically produced infrared-guided short-range air-to-air missile SRAAM developed by the Ministry of Defense’s Technical Research Headquarters and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Development began in 1991 as a successor to the AAM-3 (Type 90). And it was adopted in 2004.

Development of AAM-5B

Development of the improved AAM-5 began in 2011, and it was adopted as the Type 04 air-to-air guided missile (B) AAM-5B in 2015. The development cost was approximately 6 billion yen.
The main changes from AAM-5 are as follows.

Not much information regarding the development of Mitsubishi AAM-5A/B is available publically, So if i do make a mistake please point it out in the comments so i can edit with the appropriate information.

The features of the AAM-5A/5B missiles include the following:

  • Infrared focal plane array multi-element seeker expands lock-on range and improves target
  • classification ability
  • Compatible with LOAL (lock on after launch)
  • Improved maneuverability by adopting thrust vector control (TVC)
  • Improving maneuverability by adopting rear wing steering
  • Increased swing angle with seeker’s 3-axis gimbal
  • Eliminate interfering signals by using high-speed calculation equipment.
  • MIL-STD-1553B is required for operation using LOAL.

Specifications of AAM-5A/B

  • Length: 3,105 mm
  • Diameter: 130 mm
  • Wing span: 440 mm
  • Weight: 95 kg
  • Guidance: AAM-5A: Terminal Infrared homing, IIR, INS+COLOS
  • Guidance: AAM-5B: Terminal IIR with IRCCM, INS+COLOS)
  • Warhead: blast fragmentation warhead
  • Detonation Mechanism: laser, proximity fuze, and impact
  • Range: 35 km
  • Speed: Mach 3+

Planes that can mount the AAM-5A/5B
















While we aren’t going to get these missiles anytime soon, it shows us the peak of japanese missile technology that surpasses its predecessor (AAM-3 Type-90) in everyway. While making a missile equivelant to that of Western and American standards.


+1 Once more modern stuff comes, then hell yea!



That looks like control surface to me, you sure you didn’t mess up some data you had?


Ah, yeah i meant to type canard control surfaces! My apologies for the mistake, i’ll edit real quick!


rocket that rockets

Can the F-15 use 2 on inner pylons or just outer pylons?

Probably outer, i’ll check around for it

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There’s barely any information regarding how many it can carry and where it mounts them, but i assume it can only carry 4 AAM-5’s and probably on the same pylons where AAM-3’s are mounted

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Personally, AAM-5B only already both datalink & LOAL (lock on after launch)

But AAM-5A no datalink potential