MiRav | Midnight Ravens: Recruiting Squadron Battle players

We’re a competitive squadron fully committing to Squadron Battles! We’re aiming to get into to the top 100! Your contribution in battles will be highly valuable, and we encourage everyone to take part!

Why choose us? We take squadron battles seriously while also fully recognizing that we’re all human beings that love to have some fun. We also host trainings so we can all improve, on the side, we also organize game nights so we can have fun together and become more familiar with each other.

Discord invite link: [WT] Midnight Ravens

Requirement oversight:
Rank: 7+ in air and ground
Activity: 2500+ after a month unless you have league points.
Microphone: Must have a working microphone that you are willing to use.
Language: Speak and understand English obviously.

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Rank requirement changed from 7+ to 6+ if you apply in the discord specifically.

Activity requirement has been changed from 2500 to 2000.

We’re an open squadron so it might seem that we’re full but we have always have people to kick so gladly apply to the squadron regardless of it being full.