Mirage F1C to 11.7

JA37D is a good 12.0, just worse than F-1C.

Would you mind continuing to elaborate on why you think the Mirage F1 would be 11.7 if given Magic Is? I’ve yet to have been convinced by your reasoning and am curious as to why you think it would be.

Cause the Mig-23s with countermeasures are that BR, and F-1C’s closest analogue is Mig-23ML in airframe performance.
F-4s are slightly better than both.
F-111F is the best airframe at 11.7.

I prefer to not make 10.7s face magic 2s more


They’re not particularly hard to flare. No worse than the 9Ms at 11.7, arguably easier to defeat tbch. And there’s only 2 of them on the plane instead of 4.


this is not true it bleeds speed like nothing else

It has high aspect capability*.
It has 95% the turn rate of F-14A.

youll get the first shot off every time so if youre a good player, and hit your shots, you will win the dogfight every time. if you dont hit your shots that doesnt make the airframe shit, its your own problem.
when an airframe has the capability to offer you a free kill, it is a good airframe.

The MiG-23ML has 4 all aspect IR missiles, although they are the worst all aspects 4 of them are certainly worth more than 2 Magic Is. The R-24R is a better missile than the R.530F and the R-24T is a class of weapon not seen on the Mirage F1, thus a significant advantage.

The Mirage has a superior radar and a larger number of CMs, yet it also has marginally worse FP, yet definitely noticeable.

Contrasted to the F1 the pros of the MiG-23 are:

More missiles
Better missiles
A weapon class the Mirage doesn’t posses
Better FP

And the cons are:

Worse radar
Less CMs

A 2:1 pros/cons list, that is worthy of a +0.3 BR and I’m sure you don’t want the MiG-23ML to be 12.0.

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Good to know.

Mig-23ML and MLA have 4 segments, only a track indicator, no other indicators, and no sort of IFF. I don’t think there is anything common that it can’t detect too.

I am unsure about how the MLD compares, since it has a better RWR.

doesn’t matter this is about realistic battles, not sim.

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R-60Ms are just R-60s that can get flared from the front instead of the rear.
Magic 1s are still a higher flare resistance.
Mig-23Ms stopped having good flight models 3 major updates ago.

To be fair, mate thinks the 37D with its 4 x 9L and 2 x Skyflash payload with better speed and improved radar (and relatively equal RWR) is a worse option because reasons I assume. Because apparently 4 decent enough IR options and 2 occasionally good enough SARHs is worse than 2 good IR missiles and 2 never going to function unless you’re firing at the blind and infirm SARHs.


It does matter since teammates can ping your RWR, and it harms how aware you can be. Your RWR can pick up lock pings from nearby friendlies that are locking stuff, as well as any sort of rangefinding radar found of Kfirs, AMX’s, and Su-22s.

no it does not matter rwr is useless. you have to use your eyes. if you only rely on your rwr, and not use your eyes you will just get ir missiled from the rear. any competent player knows this.

If your opponent can see them, which if used properly give an entire hemisphere of IR kills not accessible to the F1.

4 bad all aspects are superior to 2 good rear aspects.

And are now only slightly better than the Mirage F1, which still means they are superior.

4 bad aspects are 0 kills because they get flared away
2 good rear aspects are 2 kills because they couldn’t get flared away

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Magic 1s are incredibly easy to flare tho…

ask that from noobs that you face in realistic battles

I assure you, even the inept manage fine, if they’re remotely paying attention. But following the logic of the inept being our targets here, 4 R60Ms are just as likely to score kills. 4 of them in fact, compared to 2 at best.