Mirage f1c br placement

So ive been playing the mirage f1c premium for a while now and im just wondering why is it 12.0 the magic 2s are good but get outclassed by other msls at the br its acceleration isnt good in the slightest its radar isnt thay good the radar msls arent that good its top speed isnt bad but thats about it i feel it would fit better in 11.7. Btw im lvl 100 i have top tier in 2 other nations im just grinding france with it im not that bad at the game

It is a bad plane, but you cant lower it more bc of the Magic 2 (10.7 vs Magic 2 is not okay)

Literally one of the best general grinding aircraft in the game and is the lowest non-bus aircraft to sport a 9M equivalent.

It should be 12.3+ minimum, if you cant succeed in it, that is a certified skill issue.

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Magic IIs just make the situation a tad messy. It also has quite a decent CM load and a usable airframe.

It’s got some major weaknesses, but 12.0 is probably about as low as it can go at the moment within RB.

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There are r73s ar 11.3

It’s an Su-25 (airframe) though, not exactly a fighter

At 11.0*

But what @Killmonger9697 said, its in a Su-25, it cant go past mach 0.87.
All things considered, I would personally put all IRCCM missile planes at 12.3 minimum.

You only have x2 Magic 2 (very strong missiles), x2 useless Matra 530F and a beyond useless Matra 530 on a not so great airframe.
And a ton of countermeasures.
At 12.0 the important thing are SARH missiles, and the F1C has 0 that can actually do something thanks to the seak head being CW-less

It can out turn an f4e fairly decently at most speeds and mig21’s at higher speeds.
It’s very decent if played right, allowing it to somewhat dogfight f14’s if you get behind them at low fuel. Though some br decompression would be good for this jet.


You have two 13.0 level missiles on a 12.0 airframe, somehow people say that the likes of the A-10 should go up to 13.0 because it sports 9Ms, meanwhile saying this thing, with infinitely better flight performance should remain lower.

Lol no, its a literal scourge of the 11.0 to 12.0 bracket and has been for a long while now.

If you are fine with it loosing it’s magic 2s and 530Fs we can talk about it being 12.0 or lower, but as it stands, massive NO.