Mirage 4000 Countermeasures

The Mirage 4000 is still missing its chaff dispensers. To this day it only has the correct x112 large calibre countermeasures available, despite the modeled chaff dispensers on the same countermeasure pods.


This bug report is genuinely so frustrating to read. Over a year ago they gave a fair response, in my opinion, stating that the chaff dispensers will be implemented once separated countermeasures are implemented. However, in the Seek & Destroy update in June this year, split countermeasures were fully implemented. After this, other bug reports made on the issue are simply shut down and claimed to be duplicates of the bug report I have linked above. It has now been 6 months with no word or changes, with no recourse for the players to point out the issue to Gaijin. Gaijin simply plugs their ears whenever anyone makes a bug report about this. Just fix this issue


Gaijin forgor


Here is an example of a later report that was closed without any further acknowledgement.

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Another case of “when the game is ready it will be added”

.* The game is ready and they don’t add it anyway *

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MiG-29 moment

I’m not gonna lie, there’s really no point of playing the mirage 4K anymore, so I just think gaijin doesn’t care about it.

Sure there is, at 13.0 it’s still competitive enough IMO, and it’s the only vehicle that can take more than 4 Magic 2s. I’m still able to find success with it even now at 14.0 uptiers.

Well, these guys obviously don’t have time to fix mistakes; they’ve prepared eight premium packs for the next patch (only one of which won’t be a clone).