Mirage 2000D-R1 and RMV too high br?

Title. In AIRRB, Both of these aircraft lack radar missiles and internal guns. You have a worse weapon loadout then the F1 which is at 12.0 and already struggles. 2 ir missiles doesnt cut it, and with the F16A going down to 12.3 with 6 ir missiles, a better flight model and cannon, the Mirage 2000D-R1 should be down to 12.0

The RMV will obviously go higher with mica IR, but for now, its essentially the same as the R1 in air rb but with HMD (and as the F4J and F4S show, having a HMD doesnt even increase its BR, or is that some bias i can smell)

either way, they have a great airframe and decent ir missiles, but lack of radar missiles and having the heavy gunpod means youre less effective then the mirage 2000 S4


Mirage 2000D definitely isn’t.
RMV with HMD? That’d explain it cause Magic 2s with HMD is semi-potent.

Yes, they are too high in br, that is why at the recent br changes there were suggestions to make those go down.

It’s one of the rare plane that i had to kill the ground bot to get fast his modifications, i have most likely more bot kill than player kill with him even tho magic 2 is good and i love it on my mirage 4k, those planes are just sad.

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