Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

This plane sucks lmao, the HMD almost never wants to lock aircraft until I slam the lock button half a million times.

me when i lie

It is outright inferior to the J-10 in almost every single way.

then play the j10

I am, I just don’t know why this thing is so hyped up, it fucking sucks lmao.

what do you think the j10 does better than the mirage

BFM, Energy retention, Radar isn’t shit, MICA is fucking useless outside 10km and even then its so slow it can be easily notched on accident even from that range. The Magic 2’s are the only nice thing on it, and they cannot carry it alone.

it took me a single match to get the MAW mod on the 5Ei, really not that bad, considering it’s one of the best aircraft at top tier and is a perfect counterplay to the BVR larper meta

If you need to be tought how to play the Mirage 2k at top tier then go and watch a MIGan Fox-3 video on Youtube, teaches you all the positioning knowledge you might need to know

I don’t think I’m gonna bother, because I do not like the gameplay loop required for extremely short range missile jousting. J-10 has significantly more utility at all ranges, and it still crushes in close range knife fights.


it’s the fastest fox 3 at close range in game…

Although its long range performance indeed needs a fix

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yeah idk about you but i find the m2ks radar to be great on the french one & never had any issues, and the chinese one has the same radar iirc

At how close a range, cause within 7 - 10km it still takes long enough for most aircraft to notch it if they actually try.

I can reliably get kills launching at ~16km on the deck at mach 1.1+

Longest kill I have gotten with it is like 22km, but the guy I shot down didn’t even react to it so I’m not gonna count that as a win for the MICA. Meanwhile with the PL-12 I have hit defensive targets at and beyond 20km.

Of course in a notching scenario PL-12 have better energy due to not wobbling at all the time. But once, I almost kill F-15C in a pursuit range 20km at 8km+ altitude, and MICA still tracking it. Tbh if it weren’t for the constant wobbling, MICA would be simply the best missile in the game.

You should utilize Mirage 2000 as close quarter killer. I rarely got a under 3 kill/match using this tactics. Many wouldn’t notice that MICA can pull harder even in a 1,5km headon range as long you’re not in the multipath.

Isn’t this the problem of all aircraft in top tier? I also use J-10 and sometimes it also do be like that. It’s called Pulse Doppler for a reason though, you can’t lock an aircraft that don’t radiate doppler effect to your radar. That’s why notching exist.


I don’t really understand what the problem with Mirage 2000-5F’s radar is, in my experience it’s excellent. Probably the best radar in the game and for sure the best one I’ve used. Updates very quickly, TWS can easily track enemies in any aspect and HMS is great for locking people that are attacking you from the side. It’s hilarious when F-15 idiots run at me going Mach 3 spamming AMRAAM and I just fire one MICA in side aspect and notch immediately. I don’t know what it’s like compared to J-10 but it certainly isn’t bad.

It’s a great plane but only works in very close range, I like that gameplay personally but I admit having to deal with hundreds of AMRAAM at the beginning of every match can be infuriating.

Getting kills like this is just bread and butter for me at this point: Watch mirage | Streamable

Bait F-15 noobs into false sense of security, let them SPAMRAAM, counterattack immediately and go into notch. Works every time.

I don’t know what it is about but it’s some server related issue, if you fire it in offline test flight it’s perfectly still. Not sure if it actually affects performance or just visual.

It is a great radar. Only downside is the TWS is only 1 bar vertically.

in all fairness the MICA energy state is completely bugged.

Fired a missile around 9km high, and got fired at by an amraam in return (co-altitude). MICA after travelling 20-25 km had the same speed as AMRAAM after travelling 45-50km, while both missiles should basically be identical kinematically speaking.

It still is considered by Gaijin has having 50km range instead of 80, an incorrect diameter of 165mm instead of 160 (which plays in drag calculations) and can’t reach the advertised mach 3 from a low altitude stand still. The fact that they nerfed lofting from 20° to 5° also did not help

Yes this is also my strategy whenever I use Mirage 2000, baiting people to SPAMRAAM really works. Because most of them will be vulnurable because they only know to SPAMRAAM and not dogfighting, any BFM move to average player will end up winning against them.

I must say it’s both, server related issue, and War Thunder still can’t properly model thrust vector. R-73 also suffers from this issue, I remembered that at some time, when I launch the R-73, the missile just wobbling and easily lose its track because it wobble too much.

If we got the treatment of Super 530D like before, its close quarter performance would be killed due to the missile become “Auto-Guided” at initial phase, although this would fix the issue for long range capabilities, but it would kill the short range capabilities. Either way, despite it’s still bugged, this is easily the best close quarter missile ever because it is the fastest missile at the first phase. Because there are no aircraft in War Thunder using MICA besides the Taiwanese Mirage 2000, most enemies would never thought of MICA can do 180 degree attack and still can chasing as long in its track.