Never mind, logically the MICA IR has loft because its the only way that it has high range in VL scenarios. That would be our evidence.
Admiral Aladeen approves this statement.
When gajin give new Mirage 2000D with 3rd generation target designation pod and new guidance Air-to-Ground munitions range 50 ~ 60 km after Mirage 2000D-R1 ?
Maybe not 50-60km, because we’re still missing GPS Paveways on any western vehicles in-game.
you mean AASM ?
I thought about that munition, but tbh, other than the laser variant, i can’t see how they could work in game. Might be an interesting discussion for a new thread on those entirely though.
And while 70km looks nice on paper, In game lasers currently lose lock at 15km, so i don’t know what to think of it
You guess next major update in summer this year gajin could add GPS/INS Air-to-Ground munitions for aircraft at rank 8 from all nations ?
Safran AASM-Hammer ? right 👍
I found domestic france Air-to-Ground ordinance thread Safran AASM-Hammer from classic forum
Does anyone else notice floating fuselage pylons on the Mirage 2000-5F even if nothing is taken?
Remember when I addressed this and you sided with a troll against me? Even while I was documenting the issue?
İ remember how you claimed Super530D’s are more consistent and better then Aim-7M while both missiles are equally inconsistent.
Yes, I also notice this, is this supposed to be a leftover bug?
TVC fins look so good, they definitely need to add a 3D purple animated plume when TVC is active.
Probably a bug from the dev server test event yes.
The Past and the Future, -5F really looks good paired with C-S5.
I hope they fixed it, it’s infuriating seeing floating pylon tbh hahahahaha.
What actually happened is I tried to get this addressed quite awhile ago. You hijacked the thread claiming the AIM-7 is not missing and tried to make it out that it’s JUST a 530D issue.
If you had worked with me and the people contributing maybe we could have made more progress on this issue…
Can y’all move this conversation to DMs or the proper thread before we have to get forum mods involved?
I never made that claim. You did.