I can’t get a lock with TWS ? Is it normal?
Rn yes
Man i cant wait to use the m2kD with buffed magimp wonder if they will be moving these lower mirages up in br
I’m having this problem right now as well
At close range they’re really insane
MICA are great at the moment (despite the 16v16 matchup that needs to go). They feel pretty on point with what was proposed by @DirectSupport.
What I fear now is that MICA look, in war thunder’s META, like the new best missile to come, a bit like the current r27E family, and that gaijin won’t allow a minor nation to hold such a title. Thus MICA will probably be massively nerf to conform more to other missiles.
They can’t nerf it since it performs exactly to how real life documentation said of it. It can only be buffed from here on out (in small ways).
Well, magic 2 is currently in this exact case tho
Magic 2 was never “nerfed” though, and only buffed. Yes, it came in a very gimped state, but devs did not have the information on the Magic 2 to properly model it until very recently. Mig_23M can confirm this.
Did you guys see the enhanced replay feature on the RU stream?
It shows info like radar lock, missile lock, missile speed and g-load etc
Imagine it will be very useful for bug reports
They seem to have gotten direct inspiration from the DCS Tacview
RDY radar unable to lock targets in TWS HDN mode
Also, I’ve separately raised the issue that the MICA EM lacks time-to-hit gain tables that every other ARH missile has currently.
It’s not just for DCS, it’s a third party software iirc
Oh alright, thank you.
Its great that they added this though, it will be amazing to visualize the mechanics in wt aswell as when Fox3s make it to live next update
RDY radar switches targets in TWS HDN mode
Don’t get wrong ideas all missiles of the update should be 50G as they all use dual plane afaik(Except MICA ofc). The 40G they have for now is placeholder until dual plane comes, and seriously, even tho, MICA will stil be the best of the bunch in terms of maneuverability. Also dual plane introduction would make 50G Magic 2 an unevitable outcome thus making France one of the best nations of the game in a single update. And Gaijin can tolerate that they never seemed to hate France Air that much just to fear it more than anything else. Ground is aanother story tho. But don’t be negative theree is enough sources to counter effectively any nerf they might want to make if major nations players cry too hard.
i tried it a bit
it’s pretty good, but once many missiles are in the air, it becomes extremely laggy.
I have no problem running the game at 100 FPS with high graphics, but the moment spamraam began in a replay and i activated it, i went to 8 FPS Oo
as for bug reporting, the data showed is still quite basic (distance traveled, overload, speed, etc), no to mention the overload seems to have a stroke, with some missile reaching 40-50G for a few milliseconds sometimes
Kinda worried about that too
But for now on Reddit it’s the usual crying between USA an RU
did we have pictures of more than 2 MICA IR on M2K or Rafale ?