Transcription of interview with former MiG-29G US exchange pilot ‘Spanky’:
…the weapons computer is set up so that it will accept the long burn [Alamo]. If you put it on the airplane it’ll recognise it for what it is and one of the things we did in Germany… I’m not sure how you guys did it in the Hornet, probably the same as did the Eagle but you had a simulator plug where you’d hang an AIM-7 to tell the weapons computer “Hey, there’s a missile out here so do AIM-7 stuff”. What they would put in the rail was a little computer card that would simulate an AA-10 and they had two different types of cards, one for an AA-10 Alpha, one for an AA-10 extended range, the ER. The airplane didn’t care you just couldn’t (???) you put cards in both the inboard missile rails tell the jet that we’re simulating this missile out here in the weapons computer and as soon as you lock somebody up you would get the display for that weapon, so it’s displayed the engagement envelope would be much bigger with the ER than it was with the Alpha.