Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29M (9-15) - what the fulcrum would have been

Ah didn’t know there were two MiG-29K’s lol, ty for the background info

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So what is the differences between the MiG-29M (9-15) and MiG-29M 2005 production?

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New cockpit, RWR L-150, new radar and IRST, MAW, any new A-A and A-G weapon + TGP T-220


Mainly what @I_Phobos_I said but also the engine are a little bit different and the total weight is 600kg lighter.
It would be quite a bit too modern for the game right now thought
(also the older style of canopies looks much better imho, modern single seat MiG-29M/M2s just replace the backseat with a fuel tank, but still keep the 2 seat canopy)


Found this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgqF5JA15Co&list=PLFl4DKph8Y2kYY9o2HjckxP59QtFqOWwe&index=2 on YouTube, it’s the MiG-29K 9-31 manoeuvring which is essentially a MiG-29M 9-15 modified to operate on carriers.


Great post, judging prototype 156’s cockpit it has similiar design we see on SMT, hope they choose to add 156 version.

Btw did Russians equipped Mig29M with any kind of thermal pod? İt would be really nice for ground battles.


If they add the 9.15 it’ll most likely be the 156 as it was the final prototype of the 90s mig29m, it’s also the same version that they based on to make the OVT

I couldn’t find on the sources any mention to it, so probably not :(

Thats a shame :/

Although 156 cockpit will be really nice.


Yeah, and it’ll still be very good for CAS, it’ll just suffer a bit against those damn clouds


As far as I know it didn’t. The Soviets were for the most part satisfied with the performance of their integrated targeting systems (which this MiG-29M does have).

More modern russian made aircraft instead can actually carry them (the modern MiG-29M/M2 / MiG-35 is an easy example), although I believe no targeting pod is in full service with the Russian air force.


Edited suggestion with added information for the Spo-15T RWR

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Am I wrong or does the source from the ED Forums mention that MiG-29M gets L-150 Pastel instead of the SPO-15T that you say in the post?

(Sorry if this has already been addressed)

There are multiple sources online that claim the aircraft could use the L-150 RWR and/or the Zhuk-M radar (the ones of the MiG-29SMT)
This sources are either making some confusion with the 2005 MiG-29M/M2 (a bit unlikely though), or more probably the aircraft, being a prototype, did receive those improvements during the mid to late 90s, perhaps also to increase export.

While making the suggestions I was thinking about addressing this, but since information is so scarce about this presumed upgrades (with the risk of information being mixed with the MiG-29M/M2) ended up just choosing the 156 prototype with 1991 specs, which was basically what the Soviet production version of the aircraft would have looked like had the USSR not collapsed, and that definitely had the Spo-15T and Standard Zhuk.

So, I think gaijin better give 21th MIG-29M/M2, or MIG-35, instead of this. Using spo-15 against AIM-120 can be painful. And it’s cas capability is limited, considering that there are no advanced targeting pods in 1990s, so modern ones with the t-220 pods can be better.

The particularities that made the spo-15 inefficient IRL are currently not well modeled ingame, i doubt it’ll be bad to the point that the game will be super unfair, even more if we consider that the western countries will probably get only the first variants of the amraam for now…

Not that bad, at least it can fly close to ground and use R-77’s mobility to fight like a MIG-23. But spo-150 is sure better, which offers more choice.

I hope this gets added soon . right now Russia doesn’t have a plane that can dogfight at top tier seems like this plane would help with that

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Those are way too modern for the game right now imho.

While definitely not great personally I don’t find the Spo-15 limitations that much of an impact to be honest. Stuff like flight performance and number of missiles has a greater impact than RWR

It would most certainly help, especially at lower speed energy retention/generation and AoA which is something the MiG-29A/SMT are lacking at.