Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29M (9-15) - what the fulcrum would have been

But MiG-29M 9-15 can use the nose IRST for designating ground targets right? Btw how effective is that method? How does IRST even emit laser?

Supposedly its nose can double as a laser designator but saying if gaijin would model that is a whole other question.

This is mig-35, OLS-K is only for mig-35, which has corresponding interfaces

How does it emit laser? isn’t this for IR?

The IRST has a laser for rangefinding purposes. It is probable they changed the laser to be in a guidance waveband, as even as far back as Vietnam it was determined an IRST could reasonably track ground targets. Giving the laser the ability to act as an illuminator is a logical choice in a modernization program.


thank you

stumbled on this picture. While not loaded on the wing that kh-25l on the ground seems to be aligned to the 6th pylon. Although it may just be prospective


Unlike any other 29M varients, it could carry a lots of flares instead of 32 rounds
i really don’t wanna play top tier with only 32 rounds of countermeasures


The cherry picking of potentially good soviet/rus planes continues…

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bruh your entire existence around the forum can be summarized in shitting on soviet/russian planes + muh russian bias whine lmao


The most catered too nation in the game lol

Shocking how that might prove annoying to someone that owns everything, dynamic gameplay is difficult when so often one nation is handed all the key advantages.

With the R-77 being middle of the road, the rest of the nations have a rare moment to shine right now. Seeing Russia get yet another prototype/limited production vehicle is exhausting, add another T-80 while you’re at it

Idk dude the only thing i see is a grown man crying and whining.

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  1. Ad hominem, big surprise lol

  2. Given the disparity between your RUS/US stats i’m shocked you haven’t come to the same opinion, unless you are willfully ignorant, or biased.

Funny how you bothered enough to check my stats, looks like someone’s mad lmao. Big surprise coming from the biggest crybaby ever.

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  1. ad hominem again lmao

  2. its a shame you cant be taken seriously, you have the vehicles and play time to be worth talking too

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There’s no point in talking seriously with you, all you do is cherrypick specific tanks or planes to sustain your “russian bias” tiring narrative (while there are lots of broken vehicles in every single tree and BR range) which only serve to harm serious debates on fixing broken vehicles. When someone tries to make a counterpoint you simply ignore the argument and keeps whining and crying, like you did when i showed Russia winrate to you, not to mention your long history of doomerism/negativity on the forums. I can’t do anything but make fun of you, unfortunately.

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reality would harm your chosen perspective, therefore reality is tiring…


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This F-15C equivalent fighter can come at any time.
Definitely worth the wait.

Though I’d prefer the Mig-29K due to it being lighter, both are part of peak Mig-29.


This plane doesn’t really have anything magically advanced thought, the avionics are the same of the SMT (worse if we consider the early prototypes), and the flight performance would put it on par with other 4th gen aircraft.

Also it’s not some magical unifinished prototype, the 155 and 156 aircraft were completely finished in terms of:
Having all the avionics (radar, rwr, irst etc.)
Having fired in tests all the weapons it had…
Having countermeasures installed

And in the case of the 156 (the prototype in suggestion)
It had the final finished cockpit (basically same cockpit of the SMT)
and especially production tools were ready to mass produce completely identica copies of it.

This aircraft basically is neither overpowered (at least unless they give it a bs flight model),
nor a prototype where we have to guess some of the things it could use and some of the things it could carry.


Both MiG-29Ks (9-31 and 9-41) are not lighter