Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

İf only Russians gave 9.15M engines to SMT it would be a great plane actually.

I was wondering if anyone has noticed an issue like this?
When the MiG-29s accelerates to about M0.9, it needs to sink the nose about 5 degrees to perform level flight. At this time, the fighter jet was flying at a negative angle of attack.
I don’t know if this is an issue based on broken FM or if it’s intentional. Because it is theoretically impossible for an aircraft with a negative angle of attack to generate positive lift, it will sink rather than fly levelly. I know that because of its unique neutral stability aerodynamics, MiG-29s need to be trimmed forward to offset the strong nose-up moment at transonic speeds, but it will not put the aircraft into a negative angle of attack state.

Its cause its a lifting body. This should be a thing especially at high supersonic speeds. Its not even unique to the mig.

From an aerodynamic point of view, any lifting body should only provide upward lift when the AOA is positive. The phenomenon of requiring downward trim to maintain level flight at transonic and supersonic speeds is common in fighters that tend to have neutral stability aerodynamics, including MiG-25s. Some of these fighters do not have a central lift body design.

AoA is probably still positive even if nose attitude is negative… Though this phenomenon is a known issue with MiG-29 where it requires some amount of negative pitch trim to maintain level flight at higher speeds.

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That’s not true. A curved airfoil can produce lift even at negative AoAs (obviously small negative AoAs). Also in the case of the MiG-29 the thrust vector creates an angle of about 5 degrees with the plane of the aircraft. That means there’s a sin(5) * Thrust contribution to vertical force which diminishes the lift requirement.

omg i might play the SMT more than the G now. G got a cool one too but not on this level.

my f16 pull 15g and more higher aoa with full a2a loadout and 12 with 2x 2000lb bomb 6x agm65 and 4x aim9. yea extremetly overbuffed… smt pull max 12g when the plane is empty and the smt get massive aoa and flight performance nerf.

Iduno call Mikoyan and demand your money back for taking an old well-balanced platform designed for point defense and high performance and shoving all the equipment in it like an inflight refueling probe, enlarged surfaces etc. and fuel tanks and pumps just to call it “modern.”

instead of actually developing a new fighters like the Americans do. Mikoyan always took the cheapest route and ruin legacy of a perfect design. Mikoyan was always preoccupied with quantity over quality, unlike Sukhoi who emphasized quality tremendously.

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I know most people in this thread only care about the Soviet/Russian MiGs, but if you are a German MiG enjoyer then I created a report for the weird lumpy/pixilated textures it has.



I should stop answering to you… it was already explained countless times in this thread that the only reason the SMT exists is that Russia did not have the money to buy the MiG-29M 9-15, but in your head you have decided: Mikoyan Gurevich = quantity ignoring quality


Nope, the smt have fly by wire, better rwr, ground radar function, and better engines (in the late variants compensate the extra tons). When the smt come the live servers maybe still usefull in sim mode, but later the gaijin give some massive nerf to smt. too much skill issue usamain crying on the forum and ingame chat. and the f16 always just buffed…

Please stop replying be my guest.

Yes, they were broke boys and still do not have money these days either. Does not mean it has to be one source or the other.

However, it is also a design philosophy flaw to anyone who has studied on the development of both Mikoyan and Sukhoi.

That it is Mikoyan who takes a good design and comes out with 20 variants until the original design is no longer recognizable or operates the same. All in the cheapest effort to stay relevant and “modern” without spending the resource to develop a platform designed specifically for the new requirement at hand.

Only Mikoyan will kick a dead horse over and over and try to make a fighter such as the Mig29 which was always originally a short-range point defense fighter, shove fuel in it and all the bells and whistles and expect it to magically become a strategic fighter with the same capability of the Su27.

The SMT is a failure of development doctrine that was always present and evident in other designs when the Soviet Union was most prosperous.

Mikoyan knows the Mig29 is originally a short-range, point defense Frontal Aviation asset and was perfect in that role. Mikoyan knows that the platform has very poor future sustainability and offers little to zero room for upgradeability in avionic suites and even the radar is very limited in how upgradeable it is. Its nose was designed too small to offer continual upgrades and any radar performance capability that can be squeezed out of it is irrelevant to the competition it would even face anyway. So obviously a new platform is required to meet the demands of Mikoyan that the Mig29 was not ever designed to carry out, right?

Nope! They still continue well into the 21st century looking for ways to cram capability into the same dead platform and shove fuel in every compartment disrupting and enlarging its mass when everyone knows that no matter what Mikoyan does to the Mig29 at the end of the day because it will never have the same radar capability and upgradeability as well as sheer number of missiles a Flanker can bring to an engagement over any kind of possible upgraded Mig29.

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Thankyou Saint Gunjob

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Still not quite so.!
MiG-29SMT is an initiative development of MAPO MiG-focused on the export market …
By order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, programs were resumed-MiG-29M/MiG-29K/Su-35 …
MiG-29M2(9-15D)-later received the export name-MiG-35…in the future, they decided to use this name for Russia-and the MiG-29M/M2-for export …
the MiG-29SMT (9-19)-was adopted by the Russian Air Force-because of state support for Aircraft factories (preservation of production)…
MiG-29SMT (9-19)-were in service with the air defense regiment…They were decommissioned in 2018 and have been offered for the Indian Air Force since 2020…In the summer of 2023, the Indian Air Force decided to modernize the 2nd stage for its MiG-29SMT (9-20_local name MiG-29UPG) and extend the service life until 2037…
MiG-29SMT(9-19R)-under the same state support program, they were made from the groundwork under an unarilized contract with Syria (MiG-29M/M2) and some other new airframe remaining in Factory storage warehouses…(Optimization of production capacities + Restructuring of the Russian Aviation Industry)…
All MiG-29SMT/UBT(9-19R/9-53R)-are in the 116 CBP (Russian squadron “Aggressor”)- There are also all built MiG-35 and several Su-35S…
According to unconfirmed reports on the Russian 9-19R, the N-041 Radar was installed and the Weapons Control System was changed …
In any case, the State tests of the N-041 Radar as part of the 9-19R were completed in December 2017 (the act was approved on 12/29/2017).

Mikoyan isn’t trash “quantity over quality”, in fact, until the creation of the su-27 it was the most famous and feared manufacturer from the East (remember mig-15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 31, ). For it’s era the mig-29 was an amazing aircraft and a very good competitor to the viper, what killed the fulcrum’s reputation was the direct consequences of the fall of the Soviet Union when a lot of projects and ideas had to be abandoned and some vehicles were kinda forgotten, one of them being the mig-29. Speaking about the game while i don’t know about the SMT’s performance i’m damn sure that the f-16 shouldn’t be performing how it is rn.

At least as it stand the RAF tested the F.3 against GAF MIG-29’s and found this;

Highlights are the radar was unable to filter out the Fox Hunters I-Band emissions as such their radar scope was full of noise (akin to jamming).
The SPO-15 was completely blind when the MIG-29 is using its own radar so you’d need to pick between having a usable RWR or a radar.
Frankly it was hot garbage. And was only a threat once it entered the merge thanks to R-73.


Honestly I am kind of sceptical of this claim. This report is the only time I have seen this being mentioned as an issue. Not in interviews with former GAF MiG pilots, operating manuals, or books.


Could very well be that knowledge of that shortcoming was classified at a higher level.