Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

2m² for 75 Nautical miles. N001 is 80-100km for a 3m² target. You might not like it but it is what it is. One is just a bigger N019.

Oh no, that statement comes straight from the manual. You can check it yourself. Radar, rwr or jammer. Its ass

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Do you have data on the original N001?

The work of the Radar did not affect the RWR how on the MiG-29, and the jammer yes

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Only there is a document on setting up this very SPO-15, as well as a bulletin on revision that was released later.So your report has no basis.And I’m talking about the original versions, not the commercial ones.Commercial versions of this are in the adjacent J-11 branch

I do.
Do you have for the APG-63 to say they are almost the same?

From pilots accounts to written stuff

of course, the export variant boogeyman. If commercial version which came out later have it, I can’t imagine original ones…What a terrible business for the consumer standpoint really, it will all fail and the seller will just tell you its normal bc its export…

Here you got the full thread unmasking it.

and in some cases, chaotic.

you called the data APG-63, I compared them With H001

Did China have a choice?
Just like the Warsaw Bloc countries

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I have both, its you who doesn’t have the data for one and compare them without haviing info on one

Not them, but perhaps as a seller you could sell something that works. Especially when they would’ve fought on your side if things got hot.

The original N001? I doubt it very much.

From the SK, which went after the original so its safe to assume its a matured N001. Yet, we see several problems. And you have it? Willing to share so we can compare?

No, I don’t want to share. I’ll send you to the next branch of J-11

I’m sending the N019 radar, the N001 radar had a longer range, I think for targets of the same size. Its from National Aviation University
Zhitomir Military Institute named after. S.P. Koroleva
Department of Combat Aviation complexes and radio engineering support. Not secret


Of course how convenient isn’t it. Compares, yet doesn’t back it up.
2024-02-07 (2)
2024-02-07 (3)

And if I’m not mistakes this is where your figure for the APG-63 is right*?
2024-02-07 (1)

why do I need a commercial version, I told you if you don’t have the original N001, go to the next branch


The export version(1998) boogeyman strikes again. Perhaps an earlier radar(1990-1985?) and aircraft might offer better performance than a later one. Perhaps if the SK were an much older( more than a decade) plane than the original I would’ve take your claim but come on? By 98’ issues on the 27 radar/avionics should have been fixed, and they are just selling the “older” “last gen” stuff

And you are still not showing them bc its not convenient.

Not because it’s inconvenient, but because it’s classified



And you’re still telling some fairy tales here, chtl APG-63 capture range is the same as target detection
The target capture range will always be lower than the detection range.It’s physics, you can’t fool her.


It very well could be as good as the detection range, due to the use of things like a Kalman filter, since that doesn’t actually rely on RCS directly, but estimating how it moves and things like Three of Five filters to ensure a target return met specific requirements.

We know that the APG-63 uses Track files, so at that point its all digital.

That doesn’t help us now, does it?
Can’t change anything or even prove anything in-game based on classified materials that can’t be shared.
There are, however, unclassified materials available, even if it is just for the export version. So the plane should be modeled to be closest to source that are available for a similar version of the craft. We can postulate and theorize all day, but as long as there is no tangible proof within our reach, we can’t act upon it.

The RLPK-29 is modeled using the information available on the RLPK-29E. Is it a shame? Yes, but sadly, this is the only thing we can use for now.