Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Wow, I really hope so! Western analyst stated that the Indians were particularly protective over that aircraft and let no one near it at Aero India over the years.

It would us a great perspective to model the Russian as well. There is not much on the MiG-21-93 out there either?

Yes which is why all my subsequent tests and reporting showed massive discrepancies with the F-16 FM. (Without using WTRTI)

The tech mods have informed me the latest report marked “Fixed” is not yet live. They are also planning on overhauling all F-16 FM’s when they improve the games FM / Instructor so that mouse aim can handle fully unstable aircraft. Until then, they do not want to brick mouse aim and make it horrid to fly in air RB.

There was no intentional misrepresentation of the sources; they apply to both the F-16 block 10 and F-16 block 15. You’d know this if you could see the historical files sections. Also, as @MAV_GAS has shown in the F-16 thread (where this discussion rightly belongs) the F-16A-15 should also have pitch-out departures and such. It did not solve the issue. The devs for some reason stated that the F-16 (an unstable design) is fully stable at all AoA with the block 15 model. This is just incorrect on all accounts.

I’m not going to make this personal, but I would ask that you heed your own complaints and stop pinging me especially in this context because you’re now claiming that I was using WTRTI to skew my test results?

@Giovanex05 @BBCRF @ZVO_12_INCH
We already know far better than to entertain him. He’s derailed this thread many times already, and he’s continuing to do so as long as we continue to reply to him. Let him speak with himself since his primary goal of slandering / annoying me has already failed… let him continue to lie to himself that the F-16 is 100% accurate and that we’re biased towards Russia for wanting all countries to be held to the same standard when it comes to the FM’s.

To, stay on topic of the MiG-29:

any news instead for the report on the MiG-29’s rate?

I don’t know if you already looked at it but so far to me it seems that:

the big discrepancy in the 2 charts (if both charts (6.4 and 6.14) refer to sustained turns (aka no altitude change)) seems to be caused by how efficiently lift is generated at the same AoA rather than a thrust issue.

Calculating lift “manually” seems to lead towards chart 6.4 being correct (which would mean quite the improvement for the MiG29), but still I could have made some mistakes / wing area related to Cy could be another one. Although I must say I can’t explain how the aircraft can stay in a sustained turn at 24 degree AoA at 300kph without accelerating if it sustain the same AoA at 400kph without flaps or other stuff.

Since, at least according to @BBCRF, the surface that the Cx refers to is still 38 m^2, I’ll try to calculate tangent drag force at the lift coefficients necessary for chart 6.4.

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If you need-Indicators of Frontal Resistance…


Funny you asked that, I was informed by tech mods that the changes are not marked as implemented on the live server yet. There may be more MiG-29 FM changes to come, and so they are waiting to forward further changes until the old ones are marked as so.

And which if that is the case, it should be reported. If nothing changes after this next major update they may forward the report.

So what do you like to use for testing that is accepted by devs because they had to make it a point to stop using it. Directly at you. So, do you only use it when discussing on the forums to push a narrative and a point?

Your integrity is highly questionable and how can you prove anything you have to say is done in good faith and not merely just an opinion like everyone else?


Yeah, that may be true, but it’s not because of your reports. Your reports are closed and not a bug. Or is this a trust me bro statement?

More than drag indicators (all tests performed clean) I would enjoy if the Soviets straight up used ClA and CdA (Area is constant anyway), instead of having to read half the manual to know what surface those coefficients are referring to lol

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All Russian graphs Cy and Cx are calculated for the wing area of the aircraft


How do the drag indicators in this table work? They can’t be straight up CdA (Cx*A) because 230 is definitely too big as a base value

I used it for one report, all subsequent testing I’ve ever done (inconveniently) used localhost:8111


and here

Because like with the MiG-21 example, I immediately provided a source to back up my refute.

If you read the comments, the dev responses were that they acknowledge the issue and state it cannot be fixed… the overperformance was intentional because they cannot properly model the aircraft at the moment and have chosen to hand-hold the American tech tree users. They’ve been able to implement a interim solution for the Mirage 2000, but not for the F-16… this is the double standard I wish they’d revert and apply to all of these aircraft.

No, most of them resulted in small changes here and there that brought us closer to adhering the same standard across the board.

In fact, some buffed American equipment greatly.
Some buffed French equipment greatly.
or their ordnance

There are a multitude more reports that you’ve previewed if you’ve been to my profile. Your entire goal here is to derail the thread and annoy me, why are you even bothering? Nothing you do will stop them from fixing the F-16.

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(You’ve known me for <2 years and were in my squadron for less than 1… and played maybe a day every other weekend). Since then, you’ve used what you know about me personally to try and slander me on a public internet forum.

Any video testing I’ve done in-game was shared in a youtube video of the testing on my reports. I’ve never once lied or altered this testing to further any kind of narrative or agenda. You’ve resorted to this, lying, derailing, harassment.

You’ve failed to provide a basis for any argument you’ve made on this forum to my knowledge. Waiting on others to post less valid sources in lieu of a multitude of better primary ones doesn’t further your opinion for you;

Most likely 100, a clean plane. ПЛС it’s like a DRAG INDEX. It is useless in calculations. It is more used to calculate the range and duration of the flight

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lol, right? Need to learn some Russian.

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I’ll write in a personal account…but everything is in Russian…

It was a test board. He was forbidden to make a Bell and a Cobra

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Could you translate what is written inside the red circle?

My translator translates it as “socks put away” and “socks”… I think it refers to the slats, but to be sure I am asking you

Socks are released. LE are omitted
Socks are removed. LE removed