Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I have him blocked as he’s been a profoundly negative experience in many other parts of the forum and outside of it, so idk what his comments say, nor do I care

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If you buy me a joystick, track ir/vr headset and a bigger desk to accommodate it I would be more than happy…

Jokes aside, when people can aim with their mouses having a joystick is a disadvantage (especially when flying in 3rd person view). But this puts deltas and any high AoA capable fighter in a disadvantage against fighters with less AoA capabilities (MiG23s, F-14s, F-16s etc.).

Weight literally increased lol… also this datamine was already posted here by @MiG_23M … had you not blocked him you would have know (and given how you immediately said “RuSsIaN BiAs” without even reading what the datamine says I have a pretty clear idea on why you blocked him and why you say this

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You haven’t blocked me as you’re still active on my topics, the facade you’re putting up that you can’t read what I say when I’m only muted is… weird.

They gave a response for all the stuff you’re claiming you have solid proof of (I don’t think you really do and neither do the devs).


BTW, did was this F-14 flown by maverick or is this a new bug? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpE_uyzUk6M … there’s no way that 27ER wouldn’t proxy fuse

All missiles proxy fuse has been bugging out lately, it’s been reported a couple of times for specific missiles…

Not covering the fact that it seems to be all missiles.


Reported the proxy fuze bug since no one else seems to have done that


random text due to spam blocker


Apart from implementation concerns, I don’t see how it being more “complicated” is a problem. I am not asking for the instructor to always be on manual. I am asking for an option to limit it with a toggle, the same way you can switch to manual wing sweep. If you want to fly the way it flew before, do it, but let others have the option.

A limiter switch, apart from being present only on a handful of aircraft, would not solve the core issue, which is that you might want to pull a different amount in different scenarios. A limiter still allows you to do all that IRL, it just prevents you from departing a controlled flight (mostly). The instructor pulling to the limiter will still pull too hard for optimal sustained turn time. With manual control, however, you could set it to the task required. Wanna go into a rate fight? Switch to manual and set it to a desired limit. Wanna throw your craft around in scissors? Switch back and breakdance in the sky.

I would love to be able to limit the pull when trying to rate fight, or just when I don’t want to bleed all my energy and do a gradual turn without resorting to playing with the W and S keys like I’m flicking beans.

I’m not seeing the need

There is already more than just mouse aim or full real, seems you want full real FM but in mouse aim but that’s not really possible.

We should really try to actually propose this idea to the Devs, it really would had a lot of much needed depth to air RB, and shouldn’t be very hard to implement either.

Maybe we should create a different topic for it

Can’t forward that unless you attach a CLOG from a session where it happened and an ingame screenshot (using the ingame function) taken roughly around when it happened as well.

Why not? There’s many situations where I would prefer to pull much less and conserve some energy.

Why would it be impossible? It simply would limit how much the instructor pull to a different value. It already does that when it would exceed G limits pulling max AoA.
It’s not the same as having a stick, where you can constantly regulate how much you pull, it would just be another AoA value that you set yourself

No, all that lets you do is limit the max pull you can do. That is it. You don’t get the intricate control you get with full real controls.

Also, how is not really possible? Implementing that will be easier than implementing variable wing sweep was. With this, you just put an additional limit on the instructor. With the wing sweep mechanic, you also need to implement the aerodynamic changes that occur with variable geometry and also adjust the instructor to accommodate for those changes.

So don’t move the mouse as much or feather your key inputs

I really don’t see the need tbh, it’s already sufficiently easy…

k… i’ll reply to your message once that’s done

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What if you are flying at high speed around the battlefield and just need to look around while you gradually turn? You can’t move your mouse gradually and look around at the same. Instead, you have to resort to constant tapping of the elevator, which apart from being annoying, oftentimes does not let you pull as much as you want.

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“Don’t mouse the mouse as much” moving the mouse by small steps is inconsistent as hell, and using tricks such as pressing and undressing very quickly the negative pitch up key is both not that convenient and is inefficient as hell, since you will be pulling max AoA, then almost negative, then max AoA again.

If you try to rate at speeds such as 650kph with mouse aim (both with slow mouse movement and negative pitch up key), you’ll often get slower rate than just pulling and definitely nowhere near close as using real controls

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Also, the FM changes are live now

how do you know? Didn’t see any changelog

Well, there was a small download, and the top right says, which is the patch that had the FM changes.
Restart the game if you were on this whole time, just in case.