So it appears these f16 pilots had negative iq, not a rare situation tbh
The last guy I fought had pretty decent stats iirc. I think some people at the time saw SMT and figured it was a free kill so they didn’t think too hard.
simple, because most of the time you are to far away for your r77 to hit reliably when you cant lock him with your HMS or have to guide it in with TWS.
You know that it would look even worse for the Mig-29 if the enemy has a lower fuel load?
The whole point of the EM charts was to show you that the Mig-29 is at a disatvanage even in a fair fight where both parties take the same amount of fuel.
So you want to tell me the F-16 is able to pull 35 degrees of AOA without any problems in real life,
sure thing but only once and then you would need to buy a new airframe.
Because you where talking to me as if i dont agree with you that the Mig-29 has a better climbrate, even tho I agreed with you on that.
This disscuscusion is pointless as you dont want to accept the EM-Charts which refute your claims,
when talking about flight performance you should assume that both planes are flown by equally skilled pilots, otherwise it is pointless and dosent make any sense.
So you play the game differently and are entirely handicapped because you refuse to shoot anyone not within ACM lock range?
Those are the conditions I was in. It’s not that bad.
I did the reports to fix that, and yes it is capable of 35 degrees in certain conditions. It is >25 degrees and with sideslip or roll that really causes issues tbqh. The issue is that in-game it can do 90 degree AoA cartwheels and recover in a quarter turn.
You walked back the statements and are continuing to push that somehow the Su-27 makes the MiG-29 pointless? Does it matter? No. My only point is that you were exaggerating things and I’ve successfully demonstrated that. Now we’ve gone full circle two times since.
Funny how you ignored my comment about pilot skill,
Where did I say that?
what did I exaggerate,
the factual EM Charts?
So there is 1 out of 3 different Fulcrums that is good
Now look at the other 2, the 29A is the same BR as the Tomcat with fox-3s which outspeed even the ER (Fakour)
And the 29G is the same BR as the F15A, SU-27 and the god fucking damn Gripen A
If you wanna tell me any of those matchups are “fair and balanced” then I am genuinly concerned for your mental health bro
He dosent even play the game actively,
in the past week he played a whole 5 matches and wants to disscuss the state of certain planes in the meta with us smh
nah it is fine when the planes at a lower BR than you are better that way only you suffer and they don’t
Yes, and it’s correctly placed at 13.0 in the current meta.
It’s better than the 9L carrying F-16s, but it lacks ARH missiles which keep it at 13.0.
So what about the Su-27 or Gripen
It being at the same BR as those planes surely means they are on eaqual terms?
That’s just an example of BR compression.
The 29G would be quite OP at 12.7 if that’s what you are asking for.
16k hours been here since 2012. I’ve seen a wild variety in the “meta”. I recall Meteor pilots stomping cocky MiG-15’s and Sabres back in the day. Guess on paper the Meteor doesn’t look so good compared to a Sabre or MiG-15bis and they don’t have radars, missiles, etc… yet they made it work.
It’s not about pilot skill, rather just using your advantages. These aircraft are not a simple matter of “better” or “worse”. There are pros and cons.
For air RB, absolutely. Too many Gripen’s running around eating R-73. It’s well balanced at the BR and the drawbacks you are discussing aren’t really an issue. Do you expect every plane to be the exact same FM and ordnance? Do you think matches would be fun if they were? What exactly is your gripe here?
Well we have come full circle now.
You said the gripen is fine at 13.0 but what about the Su27?
And iam not saying everything should fly the exact same.
But you cannot have to planes at the same BR where one is superior to the other.
For example Mig29g and Su27s
Why would it not be? This is the MiG-29 thread, though. Is there an issue with people preferring the MiG-29 for the stated advantages? You seem to think they’re insufficient.
That’s my entire point, they’re not. Clearly. They do just as well.
well Im no one to judge, lol
No all aspect IR missiles with IRCCM and TVC coupled with no HMS, coupled with no IRST, coupled with less useful number of ordnance, coupled with no MPRF radar, coupled with poor flight performance at low speed, coupled with poor acceleration comparably… could go on and on. It deserves to be higher but the difficulty in playing the aircraft has left Gaijin no choice but to leave it where it is at. I think they could probably raise the BR and people would see less of them… perhaps it would become more effective as people aren’t expecting the fast Fakours as often.
How is this off topic? I’m directly comparing the F-14 to the MiG-29G.
Its unrefutable that the MiG-29 is a forgotten airframe by gaijin
It didnt have any changes in eons and it doesnt appear like gaijin wants to give us a new variant any time soon.
I was hyped for the 29K as a counterpart to the F18, but judging from the 2025 sticker the SU-30 will take that position instead - thanks to the sukhoi fanboys.
A MiG-29M2, K or 35 would benefit the Soviet Techtree quite good, with systems like MAWS, AESA and good RWRs while not being the high end of russian aviation.
The thing is that as of right now the 29M2 or K are already outperformed by aircraft like the Rafale and Typhoon - aqnd im scared that there will be no place for these aircraft
The MiG-29 series offers us little in comparison to the Sukhois but the variety is what counts. The Yak-141 doesn’t offer much but it is there… for anyone who wants to play it. It’s fun.
Likewise with the American jets you can get an F-16, or a F-15C, but the F-15E exists and will continue to exist. Doesn’t mean everyone should just gun it for the top of the line fighter.
Gaijin has failed a lot to add recently skipped aircraft like the US techtree - ill doubt they`ll do something different with russia
They skipped from F16A/ADF straight to the bl.50 and refused to add the inbetween version (that america did use btw.)
And so it will probably happen with the 29M, M2 and K - and ofc awesome projects like the 29OVT
We`ll get a Mig-35 and all the previous versions will probably be skipped - cause guess what, we have the SMT already which is incredibly modern
The main issue with the fulcrum is the Br, right now if Ur not a mig29 fanboy like me or if you just care about meta there’s no reason to pick it over the flanker, even if it gets r73s, mig29G is far less efficient than the su-27. Decreasing the br of the 29 would make the game unfair towards 3rd gen and increasing the br of the su-27 would make it face efts and rafales more often.
Top tier needs major decompression + BR increase for the flanker.