Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

well when i finish my Nx chart/SEP report, and if it goes through it should entirely fix the FM in that regard. Rn its fm doesnt even remotely match the chart according to the tests ive done so far


This has been my loadout for the SMT. Everyone is so paranoid about the ARHs. The ETs have been smacking dudes left & right.

Catching everyone slipping.

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gimme the full ET seeker performance - and the nato players are gonna be absolutely malding in chat. I love the ET so much already, and its going to be even better now with separation of flares & chaff, that much more unlikely someone will accidently flare them in bvr. But its soooo good in combination with fox3’s too. People start tryna defeat a r77 - and in the process give the seeker a great lock on their AB. And when they kinematically defeat the fox3, they dont realise the ET is still following with WAY more energy - then they recommit only to get slammed in the face without warning.

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For real. The IRCCM is much better than the R-73 it’s a more expensive missile with a complex seeker specially designed to hunt down Supersonic B1 Lancers at range even low popping tons of flares & emitting strong jamming.

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To be fair, pretty much every top tier IR missile ingame is majorly under-performing in the seeker department.

Some are ridiculous, it always makes me think when i play with cold war soviet jets if the r60s are really that sensitive

Dude, don’t even get me started on the seeker range performance. It is so weak, half the time you can’t even use the full envelope

Do you have an idea when you will be done with bug reports ? If you need anything or else, hit me up, I’d be glad to help in any way.

Thanks for helping improve the 29 !

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It will be at the earliest next week sometime, very busy until then. Getting accurate data with in game tests to apply to the longitudinal acceleration chart is a decent bit harder and more time consuming compared to just normal sustained rate testing - which is why i haven’t been able to pump it out yet.

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Would be interesting to look into. I know looking at dcs isn’t at all a source for anything, especially missiles since how the CM’s function in that are literally just pure rng. But r60’s are monumentally more reliable in DCS from what i’ve seen, able to withstand considerably more flares then in WT. If the historical sources actually did imply that the r60’s had such poor flare resistance, even with a rng based flare system it would still be easy to model the missile it to reflect the source at least somewhat accurately.

So would be interesting to have a look to try to find what sources DCS used for reference, cause there is a massive discrepancy. It could very well be that the r60’s we have in game rn are just incidentally carrying on deliberately imposed nerfs from way back when they were first implemented, and never got readjusted back up to their full performance (like magic’s have) to match the current capabilities of the competition. Or it could also be that they are actually just trash lol - who knows.

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In my opinion, remove R-27ER & R-27ET from MiG-29SMT (9-19) but in the future R-77-1 swap R-27R & R-27T

That’s the only reason to play with the smt, without its bvr stuff It’ll suck ass

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Not any need to gatekeep the ET/ER on a 13.0 jet, its a very modern mig and would be able to take them when added in the future regardless.

İt already sucks

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I believe you have no documentation for your claim and you just make it up Mig-23m ish style cause you are pissed

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Aww that was the lowest blow. I am making it up Mig-23M style!

Pissed about what?

What documentation you need? What can I do to win your vote? :)

like lack of mention of radar slaving in the manuals

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BTW he brings up documentations, not telecom dishes

OEPS manuals states that the HMS can only be used for R60M, R73, R27T & ET. Like pretty much verbatim.

Because telecommunications go hand in hand, they operate on RF frequencies.

They are the most damaging evidence that leaves no room for interpretation. People are upset because I leave no room for interpretation. The technology is just not there.

Its an angle people least expected so they demand I we go over word for word their sources each time it is discovered they misinterpreted what they read.

bring up the section

so do whales what does that even mean.
the telecom antennas you mention are set to a fixed position, if the screw is not tight enough a wind is gonna cost you a hungover morning and a ladder