Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Yeah, it’s a pretty big deal! Thats why the R-77 overshadows less dramatic upgrades like ECM was hardened and lesser missiles like the ER guide it. No 9-12 or 9-13 with a N019 Rubin guide the ER, sorry.

The fact remains, many sources from East & West outright state first & foremost, the N019M Topaz Radar was development because of an American Spy & and testing of the radar commenced the year the Phazotron’s Cheif Designer was going to trial for his crimes against the Soviet Union & his countrymen.

Sorry, Facts do not care about how you feel. History does not either.

You really do not know much about your Mig history either, you never knew 9-13S were left to Ukraine in the Dissolution? I got more airframes with their manufacturer serial numbers if you care to see?

Have a nice day.

There is no need to be spiteful, please address the question… What did they modify on the R-27ER so that N019 could no longer guide the same seeker?

Already explained just read.

The R-27R and ER share everything but the motor section … so I ask again… what changed? The radars can change that’s fine… what is different between R and ER that precludes guidance of the ER from the earlier radar?

Explained just read.

Yeah! Adolf Tolkachev admitted to the KGB that he gave the Americans everything on it, the Radar & the R27 the same year the ER was in testing.

You think they were dumb enough to move forward all honky dory, sunshine & Rainbows? Still deploy the ER in 1990 with no alterations in its guidance whatsoever across the multiple main channel X-band frequencies that guide it?

lol. Oh, boy do I got a bridge to sell you.


Ukraine never never.I didn’t have it at 9-13C

Do you know people on internet are very often wrong? 9-13S tests ended only nearly right before USSR fall.

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Production of the N019M was in full swing 1991. The collapse of the Soviet Union took place December 1991.

The Mig29S (9-13S) is the last fighter ever produced & upgraded by the Soviet Union.

Do you people not know history?

You are not going to outdo me on the Soviet Mig29 timeline or Soviet aviation history in general. So do not even try it.

Hope you are having a nice day though.

Комплекс авиационного вооружения самолета МиГ-29: учебное пособие, Издательство МАИ, 2022


Yup, the Mig29 is known to carry weapons.

Cool thanks.



Yes the Mig29 is known to carry the ER & ET too lol.

Provided it has the right radar for the ER! lol.

This gonna cost me 1/2 of my brain.
Is this thing R-27ER ? R-27ER has RED nose so maybe this thing is. This mounted on East German Air Force’s Mig-29 since you can clealy see the symbol of them.

MiG-29 with “right” radar has ability to use R-77. Where are they??


ER has slightly wider motor. This is likely a R-27T

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How accurate is this?

A dumb theory from me but do you think J-11A aka Su-27Sk (with N-001 RADAR), has ability to use R-27ER, so Mig-29 9-12/9-13 can fire it too since two radar kinda the same ?

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Not in the nose of any NATO Mig-29 that’s for sure, as well as the ability to guide the ER.

Not anywhere, in any NATO aircraft they inherited at all whatsoever.

Brother, I do not have time to sit here until you are sufficiently convinced your pride is restored.

But you know a lot, it’s awesome to see die hard Soviet fans that care about history. But it’s not going to go anywhere like this. Again, like I said in my post. Its not technically possible, I have my reasons. But I also note that its is an utter historical disrespect to the Soviet Union & slap in the face of the Russian Federation to allow NATO aircraft to equip the R-27ER. They should get the R-73 now. Its only right.

I do not mind if the ER sticks around until Germany or Italy gets the Typhoon or something truly spectacular.

But it does not belong on Soviet 9-12 & 9-13s that did not get the upgraded radar free of NATO corruption & most definitely does not belong on any 9-12As of Warsaw pact nations who joined NATO either (unless Ukraine does & finds its way to WT) the others did not receive Russian support to obtain ER capability & only very few were actually produced because of the dissolution of the USSR anyway. The upgrades are only available to allied states of the Federation. The Federation uses & invest in advanced Flankers, Mig-31s, 5th & 6th generation projects. They do not need to upgrade their existing 9-12s & 9-13 that are just sitting there & will never be as capable as the modern Flankers anyway.

None of their Mig-29s that are upgraded have conducted any Frontal Aviation assignments in Ukraine whatsoever that I am aware of, because the Flanker fills all roles the Mig29 can do. That is why there was simply no need to continue the upgrades after the Dissolution. The Flanker is king.

This argument won’t even matter when active missiles come full swing & especially this exact time next year. No one is going to be worried about the ER overperforming it will be brought down to R-27ET realistic performance & hopefully both Improved in high altitude where there is underperformance. Of course, hopefully removed as well from or any none upgraded Soviet 9-12 or 9-13… (unless advanced export variants, we should keep those special).

We do not even have the actual Product 9-13S. That is only proven Soviet made variant (besides the Mech) to equip the ER. We got the wrong Product that is why the ER were never given the R-27ERs at release, nor was it ever intended until the 9-13 game efficiency data came in & convinced GJ it was crap with just R60Ms & R27s against the F-16s & F-14. Also, the FM was still lacking (still is imo), but I digress.
[Development] MiG-29 (9-13): the Fulcrum - News - War Thunder

We do not even have the old school iconic Soviet Product 9-12 yet & you guys think that it too should immediately get 1990s+ R27ERs too, but no R73s? That wacky as hell.

Anyway, hope you are having a nice day. Catch you later.

I don’t understand at all what you want to take away from the MiG-29 R-27ER?

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